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Ctfic.U?stcxi, bo ':n fiar.n,28, 17r,6 tzcAAi,cd CliAcbeth Zogi'ia., dcuu-htn^, cy (J.o'uz (ugha., oga. bo&t Ccfobot 28, 1799 end died ijt 1858* OtiC/tA. dvJjd&m ?)c>tr.; :-'2<sU.ixKi bo-tiz ScptesdiCA 3, /?/?? Adelaide, wga. bo'tci f 'atch- 10, 1820. 'J-ofvz uga. bo-at Qayiua-tij 30, 1822 end died Septern-bc-t. IS 9^. ij&d!iua oca bo'tn hatch 251 1827, i?taAAAjid a :JJido0 ht'uzia cuid had no ckistcL?uui. Step!ien 0ga boAszSepter.bcA, I, 1829 cuzlI die/l on the. Gi/?f CoaAt* [tJu?J..eA.c,d u,>04. bo-tii 21, ! 832 cuzd died in tiex! 0.tLcan,i. ?lit 1887? >?e iooa buried in GiAt>d St. CazcJxvuf. Jlean oca, bo'ut 10 of Ocb-suta/uj 1834 cad 004. 1?JJJ^cA in infcnaj. Rate} woa, bo-tn cJcKua4;f 3, 1836* tfdc'La.idc^, [ oiJitic. and t-c/uf ac/ic. att tzGWuicd but died cJ'JLLcLLcjSA-. 'diLtl/la-r. vjoa. Ga&ziscd and beret t/i&ze. chitd-t&i; CZia.abath bo-ttt cJutze. 28th. 1851. ^io^cph ftlbcAt bo->uz tioocrhcA. 9, 1853 cutd Ifen^uj, date of b'ulth uncuzttorin. Ciyuuzbcth diesl tctobex. 4f 1878. ^JJJLcm. wga. fzisLLed on Pcc&l hutyt bi/ the 0. S. O-tooij^ Ha-tch 20, ISO'S* ft'ie*teAcd died flp-z/U, 7, 1873 and LIa., [ZiAcbctJi on Sqi-tcr.-hcA, 30, I860* fld&laide dLicd 9cb-uuz.?u} I0f ic:0!. ^o-ahua itz fiaij 1891? fia/u} hi 1897* &LL ufit/iout off-<y>-tii2r.y fidoicAAc. itz Caacuz hp^in-jA} (iiAAZiAippi, (<a/uj in flea CxJUuazA^ (Joshua in Califo&zioj Euttc? OcJiojho, Coiuztif, cufte,t having, stade. tao -touitd tt?ijO'i, to fliiAsistcuLia. lie uga. buried in t!ic. Pacific. Ocean, outride, the. ^otdcn Cate. Ctfi&lated 2nd. and Stephen ac.'yticd dicte/fri, f?c/uj Su/dic and firjzcA. GusJuz tejApeabijJchj. ?t-icLe/u?d berot of hisX toifc, ^dcXaidc, aa^icd to [nATMstd (Q &ano,) and bo-tc. too chiZdstcn. Cdtvc/id Cu/J^c, dsicA ut^rxu^tied, (ia/uf fZt&sboih U'iJJuf f!ct}) aavyjzd- ?'oiva^td Saitfi, -t'vtcc cfiiLcUctt bctt to then. ficjzcA. r.iax,iicd to ?swA 0. CZfLiyirl^e, no dvitdtcn. Stepfien pa/tAicd, w-ife bo'tc. one csitL. IthsyLcsuvd ('?OcaiiLeij aavtZcd KIaa. Ocbaa,Ltt no off^p^Ln^ Stephen (fourth 4on of Ctnale^ed I At.) and aife. flcjneA. had
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