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ative employment lings and attend ? afternoon. They eir education on nd then their earn- ? .sufficient to pay d enable them ac-ney.? ready actually ear-?ch, a small college lere the business ith the college and s part of the time of the time. Thus a the average year-son is estimated at \ntioch the average nly $400 besides his 1 aims of students -e, architecture, art, ring, medicine, eco- weekly wage while ourses is $22 in the nd $35 in the senior mplete the Antioch ars. nt has already learn-portant thing of all that is, how to take USHER NEAR T. LOUIS. eal gusher-?of purest ing water,j located at ery far from' Bay St. lowing well ia located 5 farm, on Binaschoive i Tame and. as inscrib-documents in Hancock house). j only 500!feet deep, id pressure; and ia ca-harneased and develop- is originally from St. ?noved here about two -1UC,1 il'Olll i .. t w. .. I -he New; jx>Iivt* depar tmeni inj that capacity, st rviirr in varioo-. ' capacities ot er a period ni" t . ;,ty i.:u years, his iv. ^nation t ?!?%::??; > t April 1, 1'jJl. On April :.i-si, of ihc >ame year, he moved to Lay : : I.<>;; is to make tlii:; city his jn.-:?i:i:?:.? ? 111. 11<im: /or eight year.- .Mr. 'Irani* ami l'a;n-.*y made this place Lrn? ii? suuiim i .lOine, building their nun Imme ami residing in Burnett a.eiiue, fnlur l'oint. "I have always had a suit spot fur cne Mississippi Ctm ^^t and r .pc *iaily ljay it. Louis," said .Mayor iraub to Hie Echo, "and u hail It. n^ ueen a secret amoition of inme iiiai wOme day 1 wuuul be able In get u\er uere and inuke it my home. 1 m ; Jream, as it ilien seemed, has been realized now se\cn year:., ami tin-longer 1 live hero ami get belli r acquainted with the peopie the more.' 1 like it.? Here is Captain Traub?s record in sequence, extending over a period oj' twenty-one years and three months to a day: (1) Supernumerary patrolman, (2) patroiinan, t.i) corpora!, (4) sergeant, (, jj ) captain, seivmg in last capacity under Chief Cuy Maloney over two years. 'lhe Department did not wish to accept his resignation, which was originally set for January 1st of the year he left the service, but lie had premised his family he would be mor>-with them and awuy from the constant menace of losing his life while in service, and it was this duty to h,is loved ones that he finally carried out his decision, beside, tie said, he longed to live in Bay St. Louis and in the bosom of his family. He and Mrs. Traub have a splendid family, a daughter, Mrs. C. L. Keab, of Bay St. Louis; a son, Charles, Jr.. who is assistant cashier of the .Merchants Bank & Trust company, of Bay St. Louis, and Warren, a highly valued attachee of Edwards Bros., lo [ cal Ford dealers. . Captain Traub served the city o!" Bay St. Louis in capacity of alder man, prior to becoming mayor, representing Ward 1. and his services on the board in that capacity marked him as watchful, resourceful _to the immediate progress and future expansion of the city, and posseted of deas that are not only timely birt will '?edound to the city?s benefit. While Mayor Traub is far from be-ig radical, o'n the contrary, is con-lervative and far-seeing, he is imbued vith a spirit of enterprise and pro-"rressiveness that spells success. He rs practical and his kind of economv ?s the right kind, spending only su?h ?nonies a3 necessary and expending I :vhere it will better redound to the j ?;ity' and better serve the people. i ( ?Along with the commissioners,? | -.aid*Mayor Traub, ?I am anxious to i 'ave money for the city, for the rea-1 '?''.SONIC 151.DG. MAIN ST. BAY ST. LOUIS, MISS.' OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H < WESTON, President. J. o. MAUFFRAY, Vice President. C. c M?"DONALD, Vice President, c C. MOIIKAU, . Vice President. L? -J. NORMAN, T reasurer. S F. GENTRY, Ser?etary-Manage r. DR C. M. SHIPP. C. H. FISCHER. REV. A .J. CMELCH. LEO W. SEAL. A. P. LOTT. II. (J. PERKINS. OWEN CRAWFORD. A. A. SC A FIDE. DR .J. A. EVANS. .J. C. I)E ARMAS. II n rvx-'-v PERSONNEL HARRISON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. UNDER AUSPICES OF WHOM BI-COUNTY BRIDGE WAS CONSTRUCTED. (1924-28) BEAT 1: WALTER NIXON. HEAT 2: PAUL EVANS. BEAT 3: E.,J. ADAM, Pres?t. JbEAT 4: DR. HOOPER. BEAT 5: ED. FAIRLEY. BRIDGE ACCEPTED UNDER NEW BOARD. (1928-1932) BEAT 1: WALTER NIXON. BEAT 2: PAUL EVANS. BEAT 3: E. J. ADAM, Pres?t. BEAT 4: ANDREW LADNIER. BEAT 5: LOREN O?NEIL. Harrison County?s Share Financ-in g Bridge. To Hancock County, for pro mtn cost of
Traub, Capt Charles 002