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Died at Ne^ Orleans Tuesday?Buried at Fenton ?Victim of Pneumonia
Mr. K. Van ' Whitfield and family have the sympathy of the community in the- visitation of sorrow that has again coinc to .his homo.
His youngest son, John (?J. Y.?) Whitfield, native of Bay St. Louis, aged 27 years, died at New Orleans Tuesday, June 11, a. victim of pneumonia.
The reniains were convyed to Bay St. Louils a-nd funeral took plac<; from his father?s residence, out Main street (Blue.Meadow Road) Wednesday afternoon at 3 o?clock, Rev. Father Patrick Moran, church Our Lady of the Gulf, officiating.
From here the funeral continuccj to Fenton where the remains were buried in the family plot near Ffcn-ton, Rev. Father Denis, of the Catholic church at Kiln, conducting the final rites of the church. The funeral was largely attended by friends both from this immediate section and the Kiln-FVnton sector where the famMy are equally as well known.
The deceased is survived by his father, one brother, Rufus Whitfield, of Kreole, Miss., and one sister, Mrs. M. J. Dodd, resident,of Jackson,Miss. His mother, Mrs." Angelina Moran Whitfield, of Kiln, passed away yenrs ago.
Untimely death of this splendid young man is deeply deplored. Member of one of the oldest and best families of Hancock county, he was well and widely known; a splendid young man his passing away in thf very flush of .youth is all the more deplorable. ,
Mr. Whitfield and family recently lost his oldest soh and a grandson in ^double tragedy and the shadow that has again cast its gloom across the home is a dark one, indeed. Many flowers that parked the last resting place is an attestation of not o^ly tributo to the ^nomory of the departed bat of sympathy as well.
It is with deep regret The Echo notes the death of Mrs. E. Van Whitfield, wife of Sheriff Whitfied, who breathed her last during the hours of Thursday night, after an illness extending over a poroid of one year. Bhe was a daughter of Marcelon Moran; a sister ,of Vincent P. Moran, of Lake Shore, a native of Hancock county, and about 38 years of age; survived by her husband and four children. The remains were taken by boat to Fenton yesterday morning for interment in the family burial plot. The Echo joins the friends of the bereaved family In extending sympathy in this hour of their sorrow.
Plowed (I'-ep in the double sorrow that visited our hearts arid homes, blinded by the tears we would seek to restrain, we are not unmindful of the assistance and the generous ministration that has come to us in that hour when the shadows seem to follow hc.'fii-v*.
We wish to thank one arid all who in any way came to our assistance and were with us during the period following the terrible tragedy, for wide-spread sympathy and for the warmth of that genuine spirit that has been with us and which has proven of such consolation.
It is a satisfaction to know that even though we are bereaved in double instance, we still have with us the consolation of the words of the Lord and the facts that friends and acquaintances have been with us in their tender and sweet ministrations.
Bay St. Louis, Miss., May 25, 1932.

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