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71mm who voted in the nagatno are Mewn. Baroe»,Bamet[of<1aH>nroe) Btlch.Btfcfe-dor, Burton, Bumet [of llan.] Bilbo, Dickson, (ila», Hanne.Jmirdan, King, l-attimore, Mead M’l^iiphlin, M’Kav, JflUt, M'Leod, M’Nabb, Pstiiw, Poindexter, Runnels, 8impaon, Session*, Tamer, Torrence, Wil-fcktton^fT. Mr. Mead moved, and was seconded, to adopt the Ibttowiaf ai a section, lobe inserted ander tbe id article: ‘ The aeai of government shell remain at the rityof Natcliex for five years, aod thereafter be fixed by iM General Assembly.1 And the question thereon being taken, it was deter* mined is the negative, The Ten aad oaya being called for bjr two mem baas present—thoec who voted in tbe affirmative are Mr President, Measo. B*lrh, Brand on, ClaM, Johnarrs, Leake, Mead, Rankin, Simpson, Sessions. Med, SenU, Taylor, Turner, Wilkins, William*—-16. Tome wbo voted in tbe negative are. Uenn. Barnes, Burnet (of Claibora*) Batchelor, Bartoa, Bamet (of Hancock) Bilbo, Clarke, Davie, Diebos, Qmj, ITaona, Joardan, Knox, Kisg, mere. Miatoc, M’Laughlio, M’Kty, M'Rea, M’l>adt IftNabb, Pattaa, Poindexter, Raamla, Teneaca, Wj^kinaofl, West—17 * Ur. Simpson moved, aod waa soconded, to add u a »aw section, to be inserted osder tia third wide, tbs ftUowiH j ‘The general msnnM? rinl! at Mr fr*t session fix oa a suitable place for the seat of government, at which i* shall ntnaio for ■■ years, and until re-morrd by law.* And the queaewn bains takes, it waa determined in (lie native. Mr. Darts offered for adoption tbe feUawwig **'» new section to be inserted under the 34 article. 'tV general assembly shall at their feat session fix oq a suitable place for the seat of government, which shall remain the eeat of goremtrent aatH VOoaored by a majority of three-fifths of bath booses of the legi* htme.’ And tltequeahoo thereon being takers, it waa deter* Suaod in the negative. Jtff Wilkin* moved, and was seconded, to adjourn. And the question being pat, it wu determined in the aegsitv*. Mr. Mmd i^oved, arid was seconded, lo amend U>o iTih section of <*ie Sd arttde, by inserting after tbe woM 'Natchet,' in tua fd line, theae words? *fbr and dun»g the period of ft\y yea*, and iheroMter at each place as may be directed by law.' « And debate anetag thereon— Mr." Mead moved, and was seccaded, that the can* reation do now adjourn. '* And the question thereon bring taken. h wsadettr» mined in theaegative. Mr. Poindexter moved,and was seconded. <camca(l'.» the amendment proposed by Mr. Mead, by st tbe words ‘for and during the period of
Mississippi General Document (011)