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What other educational qualiflratkaa, buaiaaaa or profMuoaal, do yon paaMaf?I	L SfttI
Lint office machine* that y <u can operate t_
< State ?WtlMt stow, fair, or rapid)
What position* are you moat qualified to fill?_____________
What work do you enjoy mMt i LZ	..What	work	can	you	do	beat	f__
Now Htudying?. ___________________ ____________What f--------	?-------------
Fill out the following blank*, giving dates of employment and names of all employer* for laat ten yean. EMPLOYED BY	ADDRESS	!	POSITION SALARY	DATES	REASONS FO? LEAVNM
($?0 Q/o ygn /f?j# Ort/**"iL*C->	? *2*50. ? *_________To/ffitiZJ'
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CpaL..	 Y3Q?*0 j -
CW.a _...... Ju^Oa/gmpA	F	IZ/teuei
IMPORTANT! u?e this ?j>ace for giving a hintory of your business or professional experience during the past ten years State |><*titionn you have held, duties involved, rwipoiinibilities, etc. If in busines* for self, state type of biumeat, i?i\e history nf same, and reason* fur dUcontinuance.

Brownell 011
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Hancock County Historical Society
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