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iwvTf. yarvwQtmt.aoM* of His Descendants v i;{08t ItjfciwIjNif*. Marthfieid to Vinalltaveri, irber* hil eattle '-*M.4?iN125 Jan. 1793 and he wa* elected a aekttfliatt VL viL rlii ix. Jpun K, C*AHJtk, Atntt; bt d? yottt AtlgAJL,;,; ScittttML children. 1745j lost it sea. ITtoi k#t fct sea. < - 48. fie settled in the South, where M aw an r-xX *> *. 22. Ritmrw? C Marshfield Ba.?* M*U*eii fiekTSIfcte; 19 Aug. 1 " probably the marriage to Plymouth 15 Aug, V l7Sl; m. 28 Aug. 1770 Alcol JbirfM ttt V ? ^ * William* John* Robtrt1),:^ . trf the Fox Islands to Penobaert i*f Freeport, Maine, bom at Mirth* * Id tital records), died At Freeport iftt6ftls, copied by town clerks. He wal &Mn of k arshfield whose intention 01 jHomes of Plymouth was recorded at ? 747 (Tht May flowed Descendant, vol. 17? p. 9). There is, < h##e*er, no record of their marriage, and according to tlichftrdifr "History of Marshfield? he after* wards married MaIv Phillips of Pembroke, who was the mother of Ins children. He seems to have lived at Marshfield until about 1753, wWti lie moved to Pembro&C, thence, about 1766, he moved to d* Fox Islands Id PeOBbacot Bay fcnd probably settled ort Sooth Fox Island, Which hi 1789 was incorporated as the town of Vinalhifcvetf, and irt hig later years he probably lived fct Fr#* port. , - Chfldrtti, thfc flrtt fhtte bom at Marshfield and the owfi at Pembroke (Marshfield vital records; Pembroke Vital Records): Aim* bapt 2 July, 1749. ,, Thajjmtos, bapt 6 May 1752. - ??? Capt. Rtumk, of the Pox Islands in Penobscot Bay and of Boa* ton, bapt at Marshfield 11 May 1753; living in Boston 25 Oct 1826, when he and his wife Sarah of Boston conveyed to George Randall of Freeport, Maine, land in that town; m. (1) ?~~T< who probably d. soon after the birth of his son Reuben in 1758' tn. (2) in Boston, 20 Apr. 1800 (Record Commissioners' W? j gcrts^roL JO, p. 191, Boston Marriages, 1752-1809), Sa*a* His father ttdved With his family from Marshfield to broke soon after his birth, and about 1766 moved again to tn* Fox Islands In Maine. The writer has found nothing to when Cant Reuben Carver settled in Boston, but his home tn*** was on Ludlow Street *S**ar*l of the docfnduti of Robert* Carver of MiriMtM mond from Miami1**** I* the Island* tnd ?bore* of Paaobaeot Bay, and tome of them Mttled on Sooth Fo* W** which was Incorporated on 25 Jane 1?89 as the town of Vlnalhaven. The Brat peruiiss* Mttkuicut on this Island Is arid to have been nude In 1765; but Israel Carver (fan* Hoi 39, ?. *.) mast have arrived then not long after his marrlafe (which took ptaeaj* MarsMeld on 4 Apr. 1764), for Us son Zlba waa born on the Itland on 2S Dae. 1764. TaS Mftha of varlaaa Carver children who were born on the I (land before It* Inooreorattaa S? the town of Vinalhaven an entered ia the Vlnalhaven records. Stephen Carver (Ho. it, Vft it will be noticed, doea not appear on the Island until 23 Jan. 1793, some three and uui IS" fear* after its Incorporation as Vlnalhaven. The northern part of Vlnalhaven waa Incorporated as a separate town on 10 Jane J*** aad was named Fox Island: (rat this name was changed to North Haven on 11 Jolj 1 40. i. 41. H. iiL 1934] Robert Carver and Some of Hit Descendants 313 ?rs . ? 0. * ' T. ? r4 Child by first wife: 1. Reubenb. in Bolton 8 Jane 1796 (?vol. 24, p. 346, Bos- ton Births, 1700-1800). Children by second wife: 2. Thomas Perkins, b. in Bottttl 16 Nov. 1801 (ib., vol. 24, p. 349. Boston Births, 1700-1800). 3. Elisabeth. 4. Pamela, "youngest daughter of Capt Reuben," d. in Boston in January 1823, aged 16 years (The Providence Gasette of 4 Jaa 1823. in Arnold?s Vital Records of Rhode Island, vol. 13, p. 255). Perhaps other children. iv. Calvin, of the Fox Islands and Vtdt&i Yarmouth (Freeport), Maine, b. at Pembroke 28 Jan. 1754: d. at Freeport about 1812; m. at North Yarmouth, 24 May 1785 (town records), Jan* Gaxirr, who tn. (2) before 2 NoV. 1815, as is proved by a deed of that date, -------- Stetaon. He served in the Revolution from North Yarmouth,and set* tied in that part of North Yarmouth whkh on 14 Feb. 1789 was incorporated as the town of Freeport Children, bom at North Yarmouth (Freeport) (Freeport town records): 1. John; b. 16 June 1785. 2. Joseph, b. 27 Apr. 1787. 3. .SmtommoA, b. 9 Apr. 1789. 4. Betsey, b. 13 Oct 1791; m. 29 Nov. 1810 Reuben Staple*. 5. Jane, b. 13 Oct 1794; m. between 2 Nov. 1815 and lz June 1819, as is proved by deeds of thoce dates,----------Wilson. Isaac, b. 5 Nov. 1795. V. vi. S3. 'jf}J. ? Ma*y, b. i Nov. 1756 [?c,' ? 1755] and bapt 9 Nov. 1755. ... John Blank*, b. 27 July 1757. 42. vli. Sktb, bapt. at Pembroke 1 Sept 1784. William' Carver (William* WilliamJohn,* Robert1'), of Marshfield and perhaps of other places, was bom at Marshfield 29 Dec. 1727 (Marshfield vital records). No record of his death has been found. He married at Marshfield or at Plymouth, 10 Dec. 1754 (intention recorded at Plymouth, 23 Nov. 1754), Margaret Kempton, born at Plymouth 7 Dec. 1732 (Plymouth vital records), daughter of Thomas and Mary (Holmes) Kempton of Plymouth. He was probably a seafaring man, and may have lived for part of his life at other places than Marshfield, as the births of the first three children only are recorded there. Children, the first three bora at Marshfield (Marshfield vital records) ; VI ^ #V- ,1 i. Thomas/ b. 4 Oct 1755; d. 2 Dec. 1777. He enlisted from Pembroke as a private in CoL Thomas?s regiment, which marched in 1775 in response to the Lexington alarm. ii. William, b. 2 Aug. 1757. UL Branch, b. 17 Oct 1759. In the Revolution he was a private in Col. Theophilus Cotton's regiment, and served on an expedition against Newport 43. hr. Zadock (probably son of No. 23), b. probably about 1762. v. Rtv. Eleazer, b. in 1764. He became a Baptist minister, and was among the earliest settlers of Leeds, Maine, formerly a part of Livermore, where his mother had settled. Vi. Nathan, b. 4 Aug. 1775; tn. Hannah Matthews of Warren, Maine. Six children.
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