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ft o.. KAIS. UND KON.' OESTERR-Ui jR;i KONSULAT _____491,-____ , ; : ??> :5 ' -??'Si i' / -' r * 4 / CS. ES K!RvOS2TPmK MAGYAR KONZULATUS - IN\NEV^ ORLEANS. LOUISIANA. 304 PERRIN BUILDING. vX.Cs, NEW ORLEANS; LA., ^eptenber 12th, 1916, '* ?4*V ? . ? ?? ViA.' h -ME.' '?'?-?'?vi'Viv-H' g i. R*p l a :: o c u b r a Post Office' Box'-124- * . v'?: -?si; . . ?; - ?T. LOU -1 ?'? MIPS, II DEAR SIR.-- 'S-. V .? In' reply to your inquiry offlltfc' inst*, * bog to advisg that the receipt for your reij'-tt.ance of "April 23th. ,--jviz: . '\yz ;'r. bv . QO .to-J.-rs. ..^athgrin?-- eubrar4cli,^o.SiBoskr.nova, I sole Ve^lla, -Au~ tria. ha? not rc as. the nail? ^?ora Austria has boon seized-.. 5 i znonths by thsj_-British Censors.? ? However, the Roy-.I Hungarian bst has advised its Kst; York c Bank in Eudr.p wireless Cabl York up to from Budapest prised in thi -that you that all /the. remittances die ^ 13th., have safely arrived inched me so frir^ fee several. ' & Postal' Savings prrospondents by : patched from KCvr jnd were forwarded ?to destination, and as your.wrbiiiittance is cor-& .advice' it can bo. reasonably ponsidored as cor- c Mother has received the aonii - ? - .W As soon as, I onn hear ?. V ? - ? matter I sh.-lQ. take' pleasure to advise you'vFf?-, Yourjte truly, AUSTR9 I ? '14 ther in thi jn&sriar consul
Cubranich, Jorko Cubranich-011