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S ?,..3Cmaa (gift g?nggeatum... | ^ SMALL J5EAUTIFULLY KUDDED ^ POTTED CAMELLIAS ? These should have from 2 to 5 beautiful flowers Xmas Day. FIUCED FROM $1.25 TO $2.50. I f| MOGABGA B?S fl | iBay gardens* & ...BAY GARDENS... with a complete Assortment of Shrubbery KAY G A R D E N 51 j Azaleas and Camellias ~ I ???. PHONE 244 Sis 974 SO. BEACII. 3& DELIVERIES MADE XMAS EVE. Announces the opening of its new Road Stand und r $ the management of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Schwall. | Two Places T? SS$?p ! Buy Your Rose Bushes At Home 10 TO EACH BUNDLE $1.00 In purchasing 10 to a bundle you pay the Wholesale Price Why send elsewhere for your ro^e bushes? Phone Your Orders NOW! Delivery in 10 Days. n MOGABGAB1S A DAY GARDENS I 974 So. Beach Ulman Ave. near Dunbar. Phone 244 4- * ************- * * * ? 974 So. Beach Phone 244 We ?ft?es? Mew Services Lastdscapiiig Planting and moving, diagnosing and treating plant diseaces, pruning, soil tests, proper fertilization?and soil treatments. j by our ME. G. GUNDLACH Graduate Horticulturist. Contracts For Proper Advice or Actual Care of Your Garden by the Month or Year. RAY GARDFNfs
Mogabgab 011