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*%7\- op-^r'
Oenarted this lifa on the 21st 'ebruery last, at his residence in -a shin'* too County, Alabama, JAiMKS II. SYL'/I.Sr: ?111, in the ^2nd year of his age, a native of Sumter District, S. G. of which nlace he was a highly esteemed citizen until November, 1.134, -.?hen he removed ;/ith his family to the State of Alabama.
Among his new associates he sustained the same hi^h character that distinguished him in the land of his nativity, and modest and retired" ware all his habits, by a li> of well ordered iniustrv and a zealous, true, and honest discharge, of all the duties of a citizen, in ihe short time ho lived among tl era, he gained their entire confidence and es'e^ii. oath, however, nut an end to a 1 if a of virtue mid usafuln'ss in a nannor nainful as it -as original! v unexpected.
!?iilness wns enusp-1 by idie	extraction of a	l---orh,	t-'M rh,
?'reducing a I i sense that t he best	medi cm), and -;i*	ion a	?sisl ance
?0s 'na leonate ro ral iovo., a f t er three mont hs of unli i:ivl ed ?-gony brought him to the 'fr;ivi:; a :ia ,'io-i of 1 ri- 1 an1 suffering Miade sub-??i' :-vierit by h im to the cause of relirf'i * -n, and which he av-ilod 1 lii'-'seli- ? th 1 he 'rr aVest earnestness of >"rnosa to ?onoress on the minds o' those	' dio -surround p. 1 him on the bed of death	the "reat virtue of
rel '' ? me	on	-? hat -'Vd,	.-I ose sacred -7or'i informs	vr "that in	the midst
of" 1 i'?e 'ft	in 'e- t?
. voi 1	hn ?:	iv- an c'-aied by ihe d.eath	of .-r. Vulvas ter	in the
circle in	icli	lie move 1, ? ?hieh '-'ill i ong	remain unfilled,	and those
ho 'no.'	him b- ri c.'-n h at amvrcciate the loss of	s"eh a	nan to any
soeieiy.	iii a'L1 the ? la i j on ; of	1 if o his charac	? er ? 'a s	v/ii h >ut
' ) eihish;	as	husband, fa i her, ma s i er, and friend ,	r l ;,ion t ?	n 1 amass ,
jasli.c?',	' i	1 1 ib " J.ty a>: ib ? ried in him to form	1 ho -vai'fect	ode I
0!: a Cirri stian '^ntl^ man.
is	'	? ?'av ~ d ? '-m'l.y have	1 h *? console ? ion of bn ???in"? that	sueh	a
life and	rich	a death	anhtres	the	great	regard which ?od has	promised
t:> all ?' ?' love and S':rve him. i*et them, therefore, not >:'"ieve lil'c hose. ??ho l ave no ? - one, hut with Jhri :tinn f ai.i-h He nssu-rpd that he. has	c> r	v.need an et'aanity of han	nass on r'o'Ma ri/dit ' and,
where death	nor	sorrow n- ver more can ''one. "??or ????at Tas	his vop.?
jml his ho'-e /as oivcn in '5od." Amen.
J. 1:. .. ?J-iTJ.7	- - SAY	. L nr;, lilS
?	til'st('.?! in tae state of Alabana in wctobai' l:h51.
Connany 1 - Tl -'.labamn, Vnlente.-'-rs.
"?ran!-	?eck	^'ol onel
. Y,	ue	^antai.n
J. !!.	t\. Sylv	ster	Is I T,iau) en-.n t
?;d -,?ard nnstall	2n	]
?	. o. liiles
! 1
1 M
se!:a r fed
vi.aal>-'] it:

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Hancock County Historical Society
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