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Page 6 7. The papers at the annual meeting cover a variety of subjects. The 1 SG'J meeting includes a symposium on the use of Ethnoh i stor ic data in archaeology. This session will be opened with a tape of William S. Webb* speaking several years ago on the subject "The Indian As I Knew Him". An informal workshop will be a rood opportunity for people working on historic sites to compare the ceramics with those from other sites in the east. Dr. Raymond S. Baby, Ohio State Museum, will speak on the excavation et Mound City Group National Monument, Chillicothe, Ohio . This is one of the classic Hopewell sites in Ohio, and recent work has revealed much additional information about the construction and use of the site. 8. Membership in the Eastern States Archaeological Federation is a rewarding experience, especially to those members who are able to attend the annual meeting. It gives the amateur a chance to meet with the professionals on a more informal basis and to exchange ideas with members from other areas. It also provides an opportunity to hear papers on current research or excavations before the final reports are published. * Supervised the TVA excavations in the mid and late 30's. STATE ANTIQUITIES LAV/ ENFORCEABLE1 The seriousness of site destruction and continued indiscriminate digging throughout the state has caused some concern with the members of the Mississippi Archaeological Survey and State Historical Museum, both divisions of the State Department of Archives S- H story. - This concern is also shared by members of the Mississippi Archaeological Assoc i at i on. In a recent meeting with the new Attorney General and his assistant, representatives from the State Department of Archives c- History were told that the present law, Public Law Laws of Mississippi:, 1J30, is a valid and enforcea?-le law It was, however, felt the law was not specific in certain areas and therefore should be s? <pp1imented with additional statements This task has ?fallen to the State Department of Archives & History which is to submit clearifyin;; find strengthening statements for enactment into law. Preliminary meetings to this regard will be getting under way before long. In the mean time, it behooves us all to see that the present law is known to the prblic, understood by it, and inforced by those persons responsible for law enforcement. It also means that all of us, interested in the antiquities of o:,r state, should also observe this law. If you wish a copy of it, check some of the earlier NEWSLETTERS or write the MAA office and request a copy. NEWSLETTER The NEWSLETTER is a publication of the Mississippi Archaeological Association. It :s published 10 times a year as a means ^ov keeping the Association membership informed of current items of interest regarding the archaeology of Mississippi. Editor: Richard A. Marshal 1; 'Typist: Mrs. Pat Johnson; Assembly: Bill Hony Pat Johnson, and others.
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