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XT 00362 N* °* FIR 30KPANY ^'llf visits BILOXI ON EXCURSION WITH HOSE CARRIAGE PRESENT AT GRAND BALI July lU-17, 1870 N,0. Times - Wed., July lW, 1870 d U c 5 EXCURSION OF NO. llf Thursday morning (July l1*, I87O) punctually st 9 o'clock that sterling organization, Philadelphia Fire Co. No. 1*+, vill leave on the steamer Creole for Biloxi on a pleasure excursion in celebration of their 33rd Anniversary. During their stay a Grand Ball vill be given in Biloxi. That magnificent hose carriage von at St. Joseph's Fair vill be taken over, and vill be a great feature of the trip
Biloxi Document-(101)