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4 OFFICIAL CITY AND SCHOOL DIRECTORY HON JOHN V. TOULME Mayor in 1893 A. ?. ...Who Built Public School HON. JOHN KEITH EDWARDS Mayor in 1906 A. D. Who Built the Annex to Public School All the niembers of thr.4;. dabs S' ?C\ survive, and are succeeding. One, Miss Rosetta McGinn, is - a faithful teacher of nine years? service in our school. In 1913, due to the activities of Mr. R. W? Webb, alderman for the fourth ward, a rider was tacked on to the general bond fund, for a primary department school. The school was named after Mr. Webb, and cost $4,130.00. The structure contains two main in.grrs, in which at present, are taught the five grades of public . chool curriculum. Ninety-eight students are enrolled in this school. ,-m|.Alderman R- W. Taylor undertook the establishment r . i tment on Julia Street, where the primary gra^ night. A commodious house was lilted for the purpose, ' onverted into an improvised school, where over sixty young Vnjefuls daily attend. A Mothers? Club looks after the external wants ' the luka ^r:iV?3 School, and, in connection with the teacher, has o*.~. icnt .d ' jfi tf'b'oriUdecorated the building*, and furnished graving lowers i^r fcp.-. 'uoms. .jirn^ri' now assured of the success of ov ~ -vtfsc- ?, but we shall i-.: - ?iksh our educational ideal*, ?. oss *.vTe succeed in Fy^f/p.-f ? ;tc .r every child in the c?ty a modern schoo* j- vile i. i.;'t, ample and attn. Live school grounds and sanitation..- .? Everv cble dollar for p1 -eqttiptnerv w.;ould be in-?C*'- n: sdiool plants that win ...ave eooiiomy, ? convenience, and harmony. We believe, as a goner-d principle, ^.hat it is an unwise policy to C) in repairing old, dik. ? hted school houses tk~4 n :.iever,,bj ht/ic into attract1?v .? .? ibie place"
Toulme 101