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The Shoffner Reunions. 123 THE FOURTH REUNION, 1903. On Tuesday there was nothing done, except the putting up of tents of first arrivals and adding the finishing touches to the grounds and stand. Wednesday, September '<!, wa.s cool and clear; and the members of this great body began to put in an appearance at an early hour. The iirst few hours were spent in the usual hand shaking, and the sound of merry voices and gay laughter was to be heard on all sides. There was one new camper added to the list this year? Mrs. Tina Davis and children, of Tullahoma; and to her was awarded the medal for being the first arrival on the scene of action, and she was also the last to leave. -Mr. Gas. Sholl'ner, of Nashville, lias heretofore borne oif this prize. The Wednesday meeting was called to order by the chairman, Mr. C. H. Sholl'ner. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. In the absence of the regular secretary, Mr. Alden SholTner, Mr. G. K. Slater acted in his stead. The Historical Committee made their report. Some of them were not quite ready for publication, but promise us the long-expected book without fail by next fall. Good programmes were rendered both morning and afternoon. The speech of the day was that of Rev. Isham Burrow, of Arkansas, which was well received. ? Fiddler Jim,? of Lincoln County, accompanied by Miss Candis Smith, opened the exercises with some of their lively music, which always calls forth a storm of applause. Mrs. W. P. Cooper favored us with some fine instrumental music, and little Master Ollie Renegar covered himself with glory by his fine ren-
Shofner, John and Descendants 106