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The Shoffner Reunions. 125 tention. Ills beautiful bride was the observed of all observers and greatly admired. Instrumental duets were rendered by Mrs. Mary and Irene Mullins, Mrs. Clara Murchison and Miss Mamie Jenkins, Mrs. Irene Mullins and Miss Nina Shoffner. Miss Xora Shotfner played some lively two-steps, after which were songs by Mrs. Tommy Shoffner, Miss Kate -Jenkins, and little Annie Jenkins. The barbecue was a glorious success, and the tables fairly groaned beneath their loads. A committee of ladies?composed of Mrs. Melissa Shotfner, Mrs. Harriet Miller, Mrs. Lou la Johnson, Mrs. Mollie Prince Miss Mollie Burrow, .Mrs. Anna Shotfner, and several others?were appointed by the chairman to arrange the tables, and they did their work in a most perfect manner. After dinner, the Lutheran choir, led by Mrs. Bob Jenkins, rendered a fine anthem. On Thursday night there was another open-air concert. The committee from Flat Creek, led by Miss Xora Shoffner, gave us some good pieces, among which was a vocal solo by Miss Cora Shoffner and ? Whip-poor-will ? sung and acted by Misses Kate and Stella Shoffner and .Messrs. Koscoe and Charlie Shoffner. The little Conger twins from Tullahoma sang a song, ?Gypsv Girl,? very sweetly. Little Jessie Conger gave a recitation which was loudly applauded. Mr. Howard Shoff-ner and others sang ?Down where the Cotton Blossoms Grow.? There were songs by Willie Shotfner, of Ilalev, and Will. Shoffner, of Thompson?s Creek. Let-tie Shoffner and I?uth Parker sang another vocal duet, ?Sam and Tildv?s Courtship,? which took well, Uuth
Shofner, John and Descendants 108