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WAVELAND Established Oct. 25, 1875. The postmasters: Joseph Cai'iio (7), Oct. 25, 1875 to Jan. 14 1878. Mrs. Botty Colby, Jan. 14, 1878 to May 6, 1878. John D, Deblieux, May 6, 1878 to Sepi. 10, 1879. Robert Turcottc, Sept. 10, 1879 to Dec. 10, 1880, Discontinued from Dec. 10, 1880 to May 25, 1881. 1 Mrs. Maggie Carrie, May i 25, 1881 to Feb. 8, 1884. Ro-; bart TUrcotte, Feb. 8, 1884 to Sept. 8, 1884. Discontinued Sept. 8, 1884, re-established Feb. 26, 1886. Lise C. Shropshire, Feb. 26, 1886 to May 1, 1891. William Young, May 1, 1891 to July 21, 1894. Albert A. Costenndo, July 21, 1894 to Sept. 14, 1897. Mary Chadwich, Sept. 14, 1897 to Nov. 16, J '98. William D. Weaver, Nov. 16, 1898 to Jan. 2, 1900. James W. MeColl.Jan. ; 2, 1900 to J an. 27, 1906. Alice j Blguenex, Jan, 27, 1906 to Sept. I 9, 1912. Mary A. Bourgeois, j Sept. 9, 1912 to Feb. 4, 1919. John G. Mohr, Feb. 4, 1919 to Apr. 25, 1923. Herbert G. Landon, Apr. 25, 1923 (final entry). * ♦ * JUNIPER GROVE James O. Bilbo the first and only postmaster, Sept. 1, 1879 until the office was discontinued Feb. 9, 1885 with themallgoing to'Poplarvllle. • * - * OZONE CITY Established under the name of Nicholson Jan. 21, 1884, Frank A. Bourgeois, Jan. , 21, 1884 to Apr. 27, 1885, William A. Pigford, Apr. 27, 1885 to Dec. 5, 1889, Millard F. Seal, Dec. 5, 1889 to May i 189?. Frank At Boureeois, 1 Postflj l!0f$s na « b "A}’ By Broox Sledge . ' , Mocon, Special to The Sea Coast Echo Port IV ANSLEY Established May 14, 1901. The postmasters: Honore La Coste, May 14, 1901 to Feb. 24, 1903. Annauld- R. Cuevas, Feb. 24, 1903 to Jan. 22, 1907. Charles Jensen,’ Jan. 22, 1907 to Nov. 20, 1916. Henry F, Schwartz, Nov. 20, 1916 to June 9, -1928. Henrietta Usher. June 9, 1928 (final entry). / ' LOTT Only two postmasters. Rufus R. Perkins svent in when the office was formed Mar;'6, 1902 and was replaced Mar. 10,1903 by Levi Anderson, The office was discontinued Feb. 13, 1904 with the mail ’ going > to Kiln. « HUXF0RD The postmasters: Walter H. Huxford, .Mar. 15, 1904 to July 27. 1905. , Charles D, Orr, July 27. 1905 io Mar. 21. 1906. Wlfllam A. Murphy, Mar. 21, 1906, with the office being . discontinued Feb. 29, 1908^and the mail then going to Logtown. WALK/AH On! y two postmasters, James F. Stockstill when the office was organized July 22, 1904. with Jami-s W. Spiers replacing him Oct. 27, 1904 and the office being discontinued Aug. 31t 1905 with the mail then going to Picayune (ale). WI&HE-.-Only two postmasters. Albert X. Smith went in when the office, was organized Mar. 22, 1918. and wafc succeeded Jan. 9, 1919 by Nathan B. Lane. The office was discontinued Apr, 15, 1919 with the mail then going to Kiln. WESTONIA' Nellie Koussoaux. itie first postmistiiss, .the uliiiv being established May 12,- 1905 and being disuir'inucd Nov. 30, 1900 • • Tht? ofllc* wan re-established Jtmc 19, 1920 with John L. Summers as postmaster. 'I he office was discontinued Sept. 29, 1926 with the mail then being sent to I .op,town. V ID ALIA - Officc established Oft. 6, 1919. The post masters; ,. Anson ft. l-Yrrill, Ou. 6, 1919 to May U. 1923. ,V ranees A. Cuevas, May 12,. 1923. to Feb. 18. Vm. Mrs. Lsmrli'l Ladner, Feb.' 18 1926 to the discontinuance of the office Apr. 30, 1927 with . the mail then going to Pass Christian. GAINESVILLE Established May 15, 1844. Postmasters: Charte.0 A. holsom, May 15, 1844 to jVn..,rf?.l(. 1847. Thomas J. Davidson, Jan. 21, 1847 to Feb. 15. 1849. John B. Wilson. Feb. 15, 1849 to Apr. 9, 1849. John G. Davidson. Apr. 9, 1849 to Sept. 12, .1854. Joseph A, Johnson, Sept, 12, 1854 to -Feb. 5, 1856. Thomas Ran- • dall, Feb 5, 1856 to July 18, 1856. John S. Han, July 18, 1856 to Jan. 16, 1858. Joseph A, Johnson, Jan. 16, .1858 to June 29, 1866. S.W. Knapp, June 29, 1866 to Sept. 24, 1868. Joseph W. Roberts, Sept. 24, 1868 to May 4, 1874. Marian E. Harrison, May '4; 1874 to Apr. 12, 1875. Joseph A. Johnson, Apr. 12, 1875 to Dec. 16, 1875.- James McArthur, Dec. 1875 to June' 27,' 18-7. Wilson Varado, June 27, 18/7 to Jan. 3, 1884.- Mary J. Fryerson, Jan. 3, 1884; to Feb. 4, 1884. James B. Truly, Feb. 4, 1884 to June 27, 1890. Dudley J.Car-ver,;-June 27., 1890 to Dec. 4, 1694. -Shelton C. Farley Dec. 4, 1894 to Sept. 4, 1906. Pedro Whitney, Sept.. 4, 1906 to Oct. 30, 1906, John A. Schulters, Oct. 30, 1906 to Sept. 20. 1908. Dudley J. Carver, Sept. 20, 1908 to Jan. 27, 1909. . Thomas A. Dean, J an. 27, 1909 to Apr."7, 1910. Amanda J. Snow, Apr. 7, 1910 to Aug. 2, 1915. Mary H. Peterman, Aug; 2,1915 to Mar. 30, 1918. Office discontinued Mar. 30, 1918 with mail going to Logtown, PICKAYUNE (8lc) Established Dec. 17, 1891, Postmasters: Julius W. Simmons, Dec. 17, 1891 to Jan. 8, 1895. Eastman^ F. Tate, Jan 8, 1895 to Feb. 28, 1900. Ernest M. Mitchell, Feb. 28, 1900 to Oct.'2, 1900. Alfred P. Mege-hee, Oct. 2, 190() to Apr. 10, 1905. Ella M. Tate, Apr. 10, 1905. then the notation "Now in Pearl River county."
Postmasters Document (011)