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East by lando of tho aforesaid
/fcurtic3 of tho firat, ^ irt and all in accordance with She ->::etoh
thereof, 3l^ied by the parties hereto and annexed to , and made part of the:o nreacntu, V/horcna said pm-col of iirou.';d la narked and designated a3, "0 Brien Lot l.?o.l"
And the above described and herein oonveyed portions of ground ooupr i'sc 3 part of the aeveril tract,3. of Lind of v.'hioh tho aforesaid parties of the first ;art becane possessed. A part by said Llrs. Ijailo 0 Brien or;e of 3aid parties, from i-nile La Sere by Deed dated June 26, 1849 of IJeoord in Deed Bool: A, fr. 399 of Hancock: County Miaa lsaippi, And a portion thereof by said parties of the fir3t part as the Widow and heirs of John 03rien, v/ho acquired the sar.e from L ^Hebert, by Deed dated Deoenber 12, 1854 of Reoord in 3ooK 3 fr 24-i of said Iianoo bounty Reoords.
To set her with all and singular the tenc.-icnts hureditar.ients and a p lAirtonaiUjea th.reto bolon ;iug or i:i unywiue a. ; ortainii^j

O'Brien, Hon. E. E East-by-lands-of-O'Brien
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