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Bay St. Louis 3 involved in civic affairs ? or if they choose, live a quiet life apart from rather than a part of activities. The night people get geared up when the stare are high in the sky and do a bit of bar hopping, dancing, listening to music in the several night 3pots located "on the strip". Like I said, you just krlte your own ticket. Decide what you want out of life and join your group. Sometimes referred to as a "bed room community? many of Jay Jt. Louis people commute to work in New Orleans ? only an hour or so away --or to Biloxi-Eascagoula area maybe a few miles nearer. Commuting to work really isn't all that much of a hassle, ^specially when you've got ?&y St. Louis to come home to nights and week-ends. Advantages of living in a small city axe numerous. From the stand point of economy prices are somewliat cheaper for services, rentals and merchandise when compared with other areas of the country. And there is not a single parking meter to be fed. Tennis courts are free. There are several map-l.! neighborhood parks. Buses transport students to several very good schools and the bud drivers are careful. If you doubt this just get behind a school bus and wait while that STOP sign demands a stand still until every single child is loaded and the door closed. J>tore
Pilet Bay St. Louis-My Kind of Town by Joe Pilet -4