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BILL OF COSTS, CHANCERY COURT. Echo Power Print. CHANCERY COURT. FEES OF ..........................................CLERK (See Sec. 2107, Annotated Code of Mississippi. 1906) (a) Filing and marking.. frrr. .papers, at...........$0 05 (b) Copy of.. . .words, at lttc per 10?> (c) Docketing case................................... 2*> (d) Entering dismission.......................... (e) Setting down cause for heartujj.. ,J.. .time, at.. 10 (f) Enrolling or recording.. .?T.decree2'^^words, at 10c per 100................................. (g) Approving and talcing..... .bond, at.... (h) Administering... .oath, .and certifying same, at 25 (i) Entering Sheriff?s returns on............writ. at.. 10 (j) Taking prohate of will or testament, and granting letters testamentary..................... ....... 1 o? :? ij (k) Recording will, testament or codicil.....words. ?' at.........................................10c per 100 (1) Administering oath to executor, administrator. ii collector, or guardian, and taking bond and ji recording s<?me................................ 1 25;, (m) Letters of administration, collection, or guard- dianship, and order granting the same........ 1 00 j (n) ............ order..appointing appraisers, and copy. at.... .................................. 50 j (o) Issuing....warrant..of appraisement, at........ 50 (p) Registering.......claim, .againstdecedent,at. lo (q) Recording.........inventory....words, at IOj per 1(#)| (q) Recording... .appraisement ? words, at 10c per l!K) (q) Recording..........account.......words, atlUcperl'O (t) ...(.. ..certificate. - with sea), at........... 50 ?2lGfi / (u) (a) issuing....../.___ writ...other than those mentioned elsewhere herein, at........... (u) (d . Entering appearance of......defendant, at 23 (u) (e) Entering..............motion..or rule..on the aooket, and order thereon, at........ (u) (h) Order and copy of rule of reference........ (u) (i) Sweaiinar........................witness, at. (u> (j) Entering.................continuance, at......... (.u) (k) Issuing......scire facias (not against juror when excused), at........................ I 00j (u) (.1) Swearing and impaneling jury... (u) (m) Receiving and entering verdict. (u) (o) Issuing........subpoena..for one witness, at (u) (p) .......additional name..inserted in subpoena. at..................................... 10 (u) (q) Issuing.................commission to take deposition, at..........................................50! (u) (r) Copies of interrogatories...words, at 15c per 100 (u) (t) Recording return on............execution, at (u) (v) witness, at 15 (u) (z) Taxing costs............................... ?2!7la Filins the instructions of thft Court........ ?2H>7iY Entering notice on Lis Pendens Docket and indexing the same........................ ?2ltf7gg Entering order of Court on Lis Pendens Docket .............................................. ........??{?<? ??011 and 2174 Final Record.. . words, at 10c per U?0 Total............................ FEES OF...................................I_SflERlFF.!| (.See Sec. 2170, Annotated Code of Mississippi, liKHi.) ;j (a) Levying..........attachment..againstdebtor, at.$2 00,$. (b) Summoning ..........garnishee, at.............. 75 .. (c) Serving summons or mesne process on........def?t 1 50,; [See paragraph |d], Sec. 217G, Code UW6.J jj (c) Levying....... execution, at................... 1 50 (f) Entering...... office, at..... ....... 25;J (g) Returning..........writ, at.................... 25 (i) Summoning...........witness, at...................... 50 (j) Executing writ of possession and return (see r Sec. :>52)..................................3 0-) (k) Making conveyance to purchaser of real estate 2 o? (1) Taking.............................Bond,at..... 50 (m) Impaneling jury [see Sec. 55*j................. 20 (n) Executing special venire facias on... .jurors, at 10 (r) Serving....attachment..for contempt and return, at.................................. 1 50 (b) Serving interrogatories and notice, or notice aloue....................................... 50 (y) Advertising___sale.besides printer?s charge, at 100 Total................................... OTHER SHERIFFS AND OFFICERS. Total. FEES OF...................................Master and Com?r [ See Sec. 2185 of the Annotated Code of Mississippi, lOOflJ (a) Taking..........affidavit, at.......................$0 (b) Issuing.........summons to attend on reference,at 50 (c) Report on reference to compute amount due... 2 oo (d) ........other report., not on taking account, at 3 00 (e) Taking account on, at.... 3 00 (f) Taking examination of witness.............words, at 10c per loo......................................... (g) Certifying......exhibit, at......................... 20 (h) Copying............................words, at 10c per 100 (i) Executing conveyance pursuant to decree............. 2 ?0 (j) Making sale under decree: (j) ?217?iz, 3 per cent, on first one hundred dollars.......... (j) ?2176z, 2 per cent on second one hundred dollars... (j) ?2176z. 1 per cent, on $.................amount over $200. Total.................................... (For witness fet*s in Chanof*r7 Court, fees of printer,! fees of appraisers, and references to law authorizing ! same, see reverse side ) i RECAPITULATION. !? ,. .Clerk !$, .Sheriff Fees cf...... Fees of...... Total yltyess Total f?es of Appraisers Grand Total............... ?11- Master and Com?r.'1
Pitcher, George Jr 012