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^90,000 U. S. Cong. Dec. 1785 received 1791 RECEIVED ALL MONIES BEFORE DYING 1823 "So Vast So Beautiful a L^nd" ? Louisiana and the Purchase by Marshall Sprague Little, Brovn & Co. (Canada) Ltd. - 197^ note: n. 35*+ Oliver Pollock was not one to be daunted by adversity. After his release from prison in Havana he kept pushing his claims against the Congress and was awarded $90,000 in December, 1785. He did not receive the money for six years but the award had the effect of restoring his standing as a top trader who knew how to get around the naze of Spanish regulations. By the early 1790's he was back in New Orleans on his way to wealth again as agent for the Reed and Forde firm of Philadelphia merchants. Before Pollock died in 1823, Congress and the state of Virginia reimbursed him for all the sums that he had advanced on their behalf for sullies during the Revolution.
Pollock Family 012