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Emily Dale Hosmer de Montluzin
b. August 6, 1915
Wedding announcement, Bay St. Louis, MS, Sea Coast Echo, Fri., Nov. 27, 1942. p. 6.
A weddirg Wnich claimed interest in New Orleans and j throughout Mississippi md cne which united tw o socially projmii^eit families was th it jf Miss Em ly Hpsmer and Mr. Reie de Montluzin, i Jr., whitfh was so,-emnized at Chribt Episcopal Church on Saturday ^fternoon, 1 the Re' r. Warwick Aikeh officiating at the single ring iereimony. i
Decorations adorning the altar and chancel wer^ felrns, potted palms, an! the Marie Antoinette baskets holding great clusters of j white daisy chrys
oilor Mr. de Montluzin 'is the son of Mr. 0r_ and? Mrs. Rene de Montluzin of this
She had a? herj matron of hojjbr
Mrs. Richard ;G. lEfrown, of New Or- ---------	,
leans, cousin bf tjhje bride groom and <-'ity and is a graduate of Loyola as her maidg Mrfc. J. Bruce Pascal University in . Newj Orleans. He
of New Orleans ,and Miss Clara Reed *s a pharmacist mate in the United
States Coast Guardi and is station-
or Starkville,, Mississippi. All wore	T ?,! pnnno.t!nii
,,	, ,	,??	. T,	.	, .	, ed at New London Connecticut,
the blue velvet dresses fashioned ;	...	?
with tight bodices and carried the where they wlU re?lde for the pr^S oid fashion bouquets of yellow ta 1 is-	1
man roses with a spray of the same The bride wore for traveling a in their hair.	three piece model of grey wool worn
Mr. de Moral luzLn had as	his	best	with black accessories,
man Mr. Benjiamijv Eastwood of New Among the out of; town guests here Orleans, and ^s groomsmen Richard f?r the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. G. Drown and	J. Bruce Pascal,	of	Emile Dubuc, Dr. and Mrs.	J. L-
New Orleans.	Crebben Mr and Mfs. H. R.	Picca-
A reception was; held at the home	!uga ,Dr. and Mrs. ? JL R. piccaluga,
anthemums ancj Istephanoti	and iri-	of lhe bridegroom's* parents on North	Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Veau, Mrs.
terspersed \iith the	seven	branched	Bea<--h, and receiving with Mrs. de	Louise Kelly, Mrs., Jeanne Robi-
candelabra holding	lighted whiti	Montluzin, who wbre a new fall	chaux, Mrs. J. D. Be<rk, Mr. and Mrs.
tapers. Thei white	ribbon	marking	model in black crepe and lace, with	Edward Sporl, Mr. apd Mrs.; Edward
the pews was held in' place with1	a solder	corsage of white carna-	Sporl, Jr., Mr. anid{ Mrs. Harold
1	tions, was	the bride's mother, Mrs.	sPorl- Mrs. Hampton Lewis, Miss
Harry Hosmer, who wore an after- Mattie Word, Miss jElsie Sporl, of noon dress	of black with a shoulder	New Orleans, Mr. p^d Mrs:. Norbet
corsage of	pink carnations.	Niolin, Mr. and *Mrs. Theophile
Mrs. J. B. Beck of New Orleans	Combel, Lieutenant' fcnd' Mrs. Theo-
and Mrs. Catherine Thomas carried	phile Combel, Jr., jof Mobile, Ala-
out the color effect of green and	bama.	1 |
bohfuets of thd Chrysanthemums U crystal holders. The decorating wag done by the ladies of the Episcopajl Guild.	j
The music was furnished by th^ L?Ensemble Charijiant (of which Mrj. de Montluzin was! a charter member)
white in the decorations at the home:
with Mrs. J.1 B. Goldman at the or4 gan, Mrs. J. .Rol*nd Weston, violinL jand the bndal Party stood beneath and Mrs. Catherine Thomas, violin !a 8reen arctl betwben potted palms Several selection^ of nuptial music were given .preceding the entrance of the bridal party and Lohrengrin?s wedding march as the processional doth garlanded with fern and white and Mendelssohn?s as the recession-* fl?wers and holdijng the crystal aj j	; i	j	polders with white candles. Here the
The bride who Was given in mar^; bride cut her fouiMiered wedding
riage by her brother, Harry Gaydenj	1
Hosmer, wore ' a lyouthful gown ofi	The bride	is,	the	only	daugh-
;and clusters of white flowers.
In the dining room the bride?s table was covered ivith a lace table
white satin fashioned with th^ tight] fitting bodice, and (worn with the long! veil of illusion ?^hich was held ini
ter of Mrs. Harry 'Hosmer, now of Dallas, Texas, is a native of Green-j Wood .Mississippi, and holds a de-
\	ui	iiiuoiuu	vy	liiLii	woo	i-ciu	aj.*.	,	.	r	1.?.	?
,	,	; L ,	?	Li	_	gree	from	the	University	of	Missis-
place by a ciorontt of orange bios- b.	u
F	? . ?,[	.	;	.	45	.*	.	?	sippi.	She	held	thfe	position	of m-
soms. She carried ja bouqijet of?step-hanoti, centered 'with a white orchid.	!
structor of languages in the Bay St. Louis High School for two years.

de Montluzin, Emily Dale Hosmer 013
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