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Shoffner History.
August 1."i will be devoted to putting up touts, family mootings, mid such otber works as may bo essential to tbo welfare of the camp; August lfi, reports of Committee on Record; August I 7, reports of Committees on Manuscript; August 18, reading of letters from absent ones, election of committee's for the year 1 !)()(>, and all other business that may come before the family.
Executive Committee?T. A. Shofner, llaley; J. H. Shofner, Flat Creek; .1. W. .Jenkins, Shelbyville; J. M. Shofner, Shelbyville; II. T. Parker, Raus; and II. L. Shofner, Shelbyville.
Committee on Entertainment?^\lrs. Vinnie 0. Shofner, Shelbyville; Mrs. Lula .Johnson, Shelbyville; Miss Mamie .Jenkins, Shelbyville; .loe Shofner, llaley; Miss Mary I looser, llaley; Robert Jenkins. Shelbyville; Haskell Shofner, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. \V. P. Cooper, Shelbyville; Misses Ella and Daisy Parker, Raus; Miss Stella Shofner, Flat Creek; Miss .Julia Rvall, Shelbyville; Miss .Josie lilanton, Shelbyville; Mr. \V. M. Cortner, Normandy; Mrs. (?.race McMillan, Shelbyville; Miss Nina Sholl'ner, Shelbyville; Edward Maupin, Shelbyville; .1. C. Shofner, Mulberry; Miss Candis Smith, Mulberry; Mrs. Tommy Shofner, I?xion-ville; Nora Small, Roonville; Mrs. Dora Holman, I loon -ville; and Mrs. Emma Maupin, Shelbyville. The above committee will make out the programme and give it to the master of ceremonies.
Committee on Supplies?Sam. .Johnson, Shelbyville;
II.	T. Parker, Raus; II. L. Shofner, Shelbyville.
Committee on Water?,J. \V. .Jenkins.
Committee on Grounds?Sam. I). Shofner, Nashville;

Shofner, John and Descendants 113
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