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Jackson?s visit to New Orieans,
General Jackson received a gala welcome in New Orleans when he returned victorious from the Plains of Chalmette.
represented there. But there was one thing certain! No group connected with New Orleans marched any harder, fought more relentlessly, or endured hardship as long as did the Tennesseans. This being the case, one could not blame them for musing a bit, and occasionally stroking their long rifles, which had etched for each of them an honored place in the golden annals of their country?s history.
It is a long trail leading from the plain of Chalmette to January 8, 1965, but nothing that has happened over these years lessens the modern Tennessean?s appreciation for the warriors who represented their state so well at New Orleans. History has observed that of the approximately
5,000	Tennesseans in the vicinity almost 1,500 were on the line during the battle.
With the exception of the 700 United States regulars, no group connected with the campaign on the American side had the military training and leadership which the Tennesseans already possessed by virtue of their participation in the Creek War. If the British attack on the American left, held by Coffee?s Tennesseans, had succeeded, the battle?s outcome might well have been a different story.
The several groups comprising Jackson?s army performed capably. Each had its unique talents and accomplished much of what was expected of it. When considering the entire New Orleans campaign, however, one is immediately impressed with the fact that no phase can be studied without finding evidence of Tennessee?s participation. It is clear in retrospect, as it was in 1815, that the role of Tennessee at New Orleans was highly significant, perhaps the dominant force, in bringing the campaign to a successful conclusion.

Battle of 1814 37
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