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When it comes to paying your electric bill...simplify your life! Use Coast Electric’s Electronic Payment Plan. Now you can spend more time doing what you enjoy. Call Us today for more details. Coast Electric Power Association Call 463-7254 • Outside Hancock County 1-800-624-3348 -J!VV L VVrJJ. T-CKCT V'»<_ tjl/A \W\'H r.V/Uil.Vl « utilizes with recycled post industrial materials, as raw materials in the production of some of its fibers. Probably, the most familiar goes under the brand name of Fortrel. which is used in carpets, clothes, sheets, pillowcases and towels. “77ie plant is coming along on lime and on budget with a minimum amount of overtime. . .During the construction process, we exjx;ct (other businesses) to establish branch operations out here, and ajler start up. suppliers/or raw materials we need for manufactwig will also locate at the Port... "Wellman Project Director Pete Woody “Iexpect a large spinoff business because of Wellman. . .(The company) is a strong ccitalystfor thefuture of Port Bienville... ”Hancock County Pft.H Deputy Director Bill Stovall The main plant is already well out of the grounds, and Woody says the first solid state polymerization (SSP) unit, which produces the PET resin, is expected to come on line by October of 1998, the second by January of 1999 and the polyester fiber line by April of 1999. When the plant comes to life in the fall of 1998, it is expected to employ 250 people, and have a production capacity of 550 million pounds of resin and 230 million pounds of fiber. Construction is also well underway on the 100,000-square foot warehouse, which initially will be used to house the inventory and materials needed to build the plant. Professional Services of Pearlington was awarded the $1.5 million contrct, and Woody says the firm has located an office at Port Bienville. “That’s one of the rollovers that will help boost tenants at Port Bienville,” said Woody. “During the construction process, we expect others to establish branch operations out here, and after start up, suppliers for the raw materials we need for manufacturing will also locate at the Port.” Gulf Concrete of Bay St. Louis is the primary supplier of construction concrete with a contract estimated to exceed $2.1 million. The firm is already manufacturing concrete on the site. The foundation is also being laid for the plant’s administration building. Caruthers Construction of Water Valey, Miss., has been awarded a $3.12 milliion contract for the administration building, a guard house and a training center. Hancock County Bank also recently opened a branch within the grounds of Port Bienville, with two cashiers and an ATM machine on site. Coast Electric recently announced it will be the main power supplier to the Wellman’s Port Bienville Plant, and will build a new $1.8 million substation to provide the plant with 28 megawatts of power. WELLMAN—PAGE 15
Hancock County History General Newspaper Clippings Wellman-(2)