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Woody worked himself up through the ranks, and in 1993, was named Wellman’s Director of Research and Development. In 1995, Woody was named manager of Wellman’s Pearl River Plant, and Dversees construction of the jiant manufacturing plant on a iay-to-day basis.
His is a demanding and lighly responsible position, but he Woodys have managed to squeeze in time to become bet-er acquainted with the Bay-Waveland area and nearby environs.
“I’m afraid I’m gaining veight,” Royce Ann admits. There’s a lot of good eating iround here.” Woody, who fre-luently has to entertain Vellman executives coming tere to check progress of the ilant adds, “They’re always mazed that the food is so ood, and is very reasonably riced.”
The Woodys love to visit the Id downtown area of Bay St. rouis, especially when mer-lants are open late for Second aturday shopping. They xperienced the area’s Mardi [ras parades last year. They aid they particularly enjoyed
bama. The Woodys attend Christ Episcopal Church in Bay St. Louis.
One of her favorite past-times is beachcombing. “I just love to walk along the beach. It’s absolutely gorgeous. It
scuba diving.
Woody said he fished a lot when he was younger. “I’ll probably get into that. Heck, I’ll probably buy a boat,” he adds.
Pete and Royce Ann Woody have settled into their Waveland home. (Echo staff photo by Ed Lepoma)

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