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The people of Haaeock County have not contented themselves with the natural blessings offered them,leut have built up a civilization
that vies with any in material,social and intellectual advancement. Though the topography of the county has changed Trot little since the earliest descriptions of the region,the French and'Spanish races,who first settled the sect ion,have "been affected by immigration and the English am Scotch type are found blanded with the Latin ra«e,if not
■'* Good schools,churches,patriotic societies and social welfare clubs for many purposes attest the spirit of co-operation and power of organization among the people,all of which make Harcock County one of the best in the State.
The Census of 192o gives Hancock County a population of
Give on a separate page all the statistics of both county aiid towns
*	.
Give on a separate page a short type-written history of Hancock
County’s part in the great World War.
Give all interesting facts of history not mentioned above.
from Pensacola,December 5,announcing the arrival there of a British fleet of sixty sail,men of war and transports of an amy,for the capture of Uew Orleans. General Jackson was already in the city beginning his preparations for defense. Patterson,for his part,did what he could to thwart or at least watch the hostile movements. He sent five gunboats,a tender and dispatch boat,toward the passes Mariana and Christiana,under the command ef Thomas A. C. Jones,with orders to make a last stand at the Rigolets and sink the enemy or be sunk. Lieutenant Jonea detached two gunboats,under HeKeever and Ulrick,to go as far as Dauphine island,where they espied one or more of the British advance scouts,the Seahorse, Armide and Sophie. Vice Admiral Cochrane,commanding the British expedit ion,reported (from the Armide, off Cab' island,December 15) that the two gunboats fired upon the Armide. But they could not have sustained an action, and turned about and joined the other three gunboatB off Biloxi. As Cochrane intended to anchor at Isle au Vaisseau (Ship Island)

Hancock County History General Formation-of-Hancock-County-(07)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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