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)AY, OCTOBER 3, 1947 i miles west of Maskew sent in a truck. He 1 8 and 9 a. m. 20. On Sun-is brother went the boat was, ch of fish in )d and which f of his friends. Joseph J. ! Son ph J. Rupp of ; the sympathy e recent death ohn Rupp, Jr.. ed on Thurs-t'ne Foundation !, following an he first was s Mr. Rupp former Miss Joseph John upp; a brother a sister, Mrs. New Orleans, d in New Ot-5mber 26 with St. Matthew Church. Inter-usoleum. ;rest item is of in-Sigmund Katz unce the mar-i sister Mrs. Dr. Ernest STew Orleans, :brated Friday ans. Services FIRS TORNADO AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY SURETY FIDELITY AMCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Let Us Take Care OS Your Needs HANCOCK. INSURANCE AGENCY \ A. SCAFTOE, Manager, PHONE 108. HANCOCK BAI^k | Railroad Timbers Destroyed By Fire Fire was discovered by one of the Sisters at 2 a. m. on Sunday morning in the railroad timbers which had piled up on the beach in front of St. Joseph Academy, who immediately called Mr. E. J. Arceneaux, Sr., at his home adjoining the convent. Mr. Arceneaux called the fire department and the night policeman “Son” Capdepon and then he and Father Desmond went to the scene and worked untiringly but found it almost impossible to get the fire und^r control. Mother Blanche went to St. Stanislaus and aroused the Brothers and they came on the scene. At about 5:45 some of the Railroad men had either discovered the fire or had been informed, but they took over and the fire was finally extinguished. Mr. Arceneaux said there was only one man on the truck as the public understands no force or organization was back to nomal at this time. Too, Mr. Arceneaux said the fire truck could not make quick transit because of blocked streets. George Hoffman was also one of the helpers for he was in close proximity at his home. On Monday evening at a little after 8 o’clock a similar fire was discovered in front of the John A. Green home between Bookter and Sycamore streets and the fire company extinguishd this in an hour’s time. A guard said he had passed there a few minutes before the fire was discovered and saw no evidence of fire but later extinguished several minor blazes in front of Ortte’s Theater. Origin of the fires is not known but it is thought by some that they may have caught from the ashes dropping from the acetalyne torches used in burning the bolts out of the timbers The ashes may have settled on the sand and debris and ignited the timbers, it was said. First Baptist Church Meeting Temporarily in the Bay High Auditorium REV. J. T. DEARING, Pastor Sermon Topics for Sunday, October 5, 1947 Morning: “BLIND TO TRUTH.” Evening: “SPIRITUAL WAR- FARE” SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. 7:30 P. M. Sunday School, every Sunday at 10:00 A. M. AL5 LEANOER’S CHICKEN HOUSE New York Dressed or On Foot Phone 554-J 505 Main St. §eptle Tanks and Cess Pools Pumped Deletz Plumbing Co. Phone 270 Pass Christian Arriving Daily... Complete Selection Of New Fall jgg&i r* H ■ H “TT /*>
Hurricane 1947 Emma Sea Coast Echo Oct 3 1947 (05)