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Report of finances of Bd. of Police, Sept 1856 Finances of 16th section - March 1857 Common School - March 1857 Finances of 16th section - October 1860 Next 177 pages From this point on, book pages are numbered, once again beginning with page 1. The first page is Probate Court report of the January 1866 term. Then, there follow the probate records through the January 1870 term, ending with page 177. The rest of book is blank. [NB: 177 pages when divided by 5 years shows an average of less than 40 pages per year. This might be contrasted with almost 300 pages for the year 1853.] Contents of the second described book: This book contains information that would be of more general use to those studying our county’s history and to genealogists, and therefore a complete list of its contents will be found below. For simplicity, what is offered here are simply page dates and a brief description of each document. Researchers may want to see the entire piece by visiting the County Clerk’s office, or for a limited time, the Historic Society. p. 1: Estate of Heloise Marcos p. 4: Lands of David R. Guex p. 7: Petition of Emelia Lasassier, widow of Carlos
Probate Records Document (013)