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7.	Ray Taylor lives Franklinton, married, son Mark Taylor
8.	Viola Taylor
9.	Vnnco Taylor
10.	Lottie Taylor, twin to Eddie, m- George Foils,p-7^ Lutar-Davis Bk, Asst. Cashier Washington Bank A Trust Co., Franklinton, had eons Dannie Foil, Keith Foil, and other.'
11.	Eddie Taylor, twin to Lettie
IX.	Devon Taylor
b. Dora Mageo, second child of Harlow and Mollle Blackwell Mngee.
c. Esco Magee, son of Barlow and Della Taylor MAgee, lives Franklftiton, m- Janie Haley, hAd ** cht
1.	Earl inn Magoe m- Joe Norris, hAd dau. Joan Norris
1.	Doyle Magoe
3.	Houston Magee m- Mrs. Jean Hughos Walker, adopted the throe Walker children: Jennie, Jlmmlo, Bennie.
h,	Ellin Magee m- Joan Hill, had dau. Patricia.
d.	Poarlle Magee, see page II, m- Zack Taylor, 3 ch: Marion, Ruth, Vera.
0.	T. C. Magee, b-Feb. 10, 1902, d-Sept. *0, 19*0. bur. Lawrence Crook,
m-	Bonnie Holmos and had 5 chi
1.	Lois Magee m- Archie Corkern, had Harold, and	twins Judith	A Jean.
2.	Christine Magee
3.	T. A. Magee m- Bobbie Harteell
4.	Marvin Magee
5.	Mary Magee, lives Baton Rouge
f.	Mollle Magee, m- Ernest Barber, Franklinton, La. had 6 daus:
1.	Una Mae Barber m- B. Barber had	ch: Leroy	and Willie Faye	Barber.
2.	Lolia Mae DArber m- Ottis Eugene	Foil, son	of	W.M. and Lucy Foil.
He was b-2/4/l901, killed by tractor 11/23/1957, son Walter Eugene.
3.	Dora Barber
K. Jessie lee Barber m- Jerome Cambre
5.	Ortie Barber m- Larry Brocatro, a son Larry Bracatro Jr.
6.	Francis Barber died young
g.	Arlie Magee m-- Pauline Haley, had Mlko, Mitchell, and Shirley Magee.
h.	Ola Mngee, m~ Albert Westmoreland, Franklinton, La. had 7 ch:
1.	Duel Westmoreland
2.	Don Wostmoreland m- Voncile Mir.oll
3.	Hershel Westmoreland m- KaUierino Taylor, ch: Olyn and Cathy.
h.	Moltwi Westmoreland
5.	Paulotto Wostmoreland
6.	Elaine Westmorolond
7.	Dovon Westmoreland
1.	Leo Magee, lives Hattiesburg, m- Lucilo Whithoad, had 6 ch:
1.	Gladys Magoe
2.	Verna Hagee m- Ed Breeland and had 1 ch.
3.	Kobort Magee k. Laverne Magee
5.	Ada Merle Magoe
6.	Evelyn Magee
J. Hattie Magee, b-7/l8/l910, d-5/20/l95Q? buried Nobles Cemetery near Franklinton, m- Lottie Phelps, d-Sept. 10, 1955.	**1* His obit-
uary in Tylertown Times 5/*9/l950 shows surviving bros. Leo and Esco, sinters Lillie, Ola, Mollle, Pearlle, 2 sons, 3 dAus.
1.	Earl Magee m- Ola Mae Thomas, Franklinton
2. Pearl Mageo, m- Troy Hill, Jackson, La.
3. Nolla M.,goet m- (l) Billy Will Ervin (2) Horlxirt Sjxjars
k. H. L. Magee, New Orleans, La.
5.	Helen Magee, Franklinton, La.
Andrew Brldgen, son of Rosa Mngee And Talmadge Bridges, m- Mollie Taylor.
a.	Rose Ella Dridges died young
b.	Ophelia Bridges m- John Brumfield and had 5 ch. After death of Ophelia, John remarried to Mrs. Veta McDonald Jenkins.
1.	Jackson Brumfield
2.	Elkin Brumfield
3.	Denman Brumfield
k. Wayne Brumfield, lives Chicago
5.	Jimmie Brumfield Ledrls Rogers, son of Rosa Magee and Larkin Rogers, m- Cynthia Smith.
a.	Bill Rogers m- F.lla Taylor and had k ch:	See	page 21
1.	Billie Beth Taylor m- (l) Malcolm Jones
2.	Willie Mae Rogers m- Monroe McElveen
3.	Lillie Merle Rogers m- Bernel Hamilton
4.	Ladonis Rogers m- Jimmy Corkern
b.	Flossie Rogors m- John Smith And hAd severAl children
c.	Rosa Rogorn m- James Busby, had 5 ch:
1.	Jonteal Busby (page 21) m- Andrew Taylor, had Sylvia Rose A John.
2.	Doris Busby
3.	Pete Busby V. Jimmy Busby
5.	Floyd Busby
d.	Elmer Rogers
j e. wanda Rogers m- Joel Hagee and had 9 children. See page 18
f.	Pearl Rogers m- Frank BickliAjn, 3 c&:
1.	Clinton Wayne Bickham
2.	Kenneth BickhAm
3.	Barbara Bickham
Charles Rogers, m- Flossie Kemp and had 6 ch:
a.	Iverson Rogers m- l.ucile Williams
1.	Katherine Rogers
2.	Ray Rogers ra- Annotte Richardson
b. Melvin Rogers married and llve3 in California, has children.
c. Alice Rogers m- Otis Statham, has 3 ch:
1.	Otis Statham, Jr. m- Shirley Seals
2.	Juno Statham m- Sidney Porno It
3.	Sonny Statham m- Sue Gatlin
d.	Rosa Rogers m- Oscar Amiran, has 2 ch:
1.	Janet Amiran, llvon Baton Rouge
2.	Oscar Andras, Jr.
e.	Charlie Rogers, Jr.
f.	Lex Rogers m- Nell Montgomery
1.	Larry Rogers
2.	Betty Rogers
3.	JoAn Rogers
Jennie Rogers, m- Oeorge Smith and had 5 ch:
a.	Willie Smith m- Virgil Chain has several children
b.	Mary Ella Smith m- Murray Sims
1.	Tommie Sims
2.	Alice Sims
3.	Lula Mao Sims
h.	Jimmy Sims
5.	Sammie Sims
6.	Hughio Sims

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