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/fT UUdJ_U 2 Vti. C. Sjm^nns 1 n 1 > 35 "The land !cn ovn as the T1 bl i*»r tract -••os entered t.v V."m. C. Simmons In l-°'^5. S’mmons built a cabin at that time, the foundrt* ons of vhich still exist, though the c^tin !s not standing. BricVvard ^bout 1 850 "An old brickyard vas onerated for a number of vesrs at a point vest of the mouth of Bayou Porto. "It began operations about 1350. Evidences of it still exist. T? bIier P ou .:ht Tract l±o\: t 1.8 8^ the "ronet jin?: about U-2 years 1 bought the tract frorr F-immons heirs and later from the State, nr.d erected a home th~re, vhich still stands. "Ton^ before ve built our hore, peoole vere dirking all over the property for gold. Jn 1890 ; nn in Pi rogue Prom 7 ake Pontchartraln "About 35 years ago (VJ‘~: circa 1890) a ran by the nar.^ of Barlov came to my house. '.I rcm^mb^r I met him at the gate. TIe said, 'I have come here to pive you a fortune, ' and then he told me he knew for a fact that Pirates had buri'd treasure on ry land, though he vould n°ver say hov or ’••here he obtained hir in “or--tion. J vas told to search for an oak stvnt> ^r.A di~ und~r it. "’Te came all the vav from Lake Pont chart rai r: t Plloxi in a pirogue. T ater h*» came again in tne same vav and repeated his story. ”1 vas told that there were millions of dollars buried th^re by a murderous band of pirates, from '*~yico a number or 7- a r ? before. T uch "'i --gin ’ Pccurr^d "I never ’'laced much f «ith in the existence- cf tr-asure on the orooerty, ~though I did di? about a tit for it fro- tim£ to ti-e ••'ithout "ny success. ,,wanv ~eot>le ear.e there to c-'t p rr;irFicn to dim, rnd sometimes they dug around vithout r y knovle *i e or rerr i:;ricn. tv:y even vanted to"dig under the h curve, and that ir nrobably tne only s^ot or. the property that ’■•ssn't thoroughly or osorct ed . " T ibll er Mome stead at Bsvou Porto and the Pay Preceding the interviev a visit vas made tc the site of the old Tiblier homestead. Though abandoned a number of y.-ars afro, the ho’sc is in a remarkable state of orerrrvation. The property is oitted vith the holes of treasure ssgknr hunters and even the floor of one roo~ of the house had bee^; torn up in the search for pirate gold.
Biloxi Document-(125)