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At organization meetings held during April and Hay of 1975
in the Library of St. Stanislaus Brother Pierre led discussions
and the group adopted the following: projects, for the Bicentennial
1.	An endeavor to make the Bicentennial a county-wide personal involvement celebration including all citizens regardless of age, color or creed.
2.	To publicize activities through local news and radio media that the public might be kept fully informed.
3.	To endorse and promote worthwhile activities and encourage civic pride, better education, a spirit of unity among coastal cbarnunities, promote patriotism, sponsor City-County Public Library activities, encourage unity and harmony among religious groups, and brin-r the Hancock County Community together for planned festive occasions.
^.t was further decided and agreed upon activities would
be carried out on a strictly volunteer basis with no fund-
raising activities other than one major project, that of a gift of a Display Case to be selected by the City-County Public Library Board and/or their appointee and placed at this Board's
disposal. That the said Library Board be considered a permanent
committee to determine what articles should /be used on a rotation
plan in the display case and for what period of time.
in i:ay of 1975 John 2. I’cKenna i^as unanimously appointed
by the Hancock County Bay-V/aveland Commission to serve as its
chairman for the duration of the Bicentennial Year. McKenna
added the following representatives to his roster and announced
that all interested persons would be welcome to attend open
meetings; Henry Otis, Coordinator Courtyard Improvements;
Fred Logan, Coordinate Hancock County notary
Club Activities £ V/aveland Affairs

BSL Centennial 1958 一Document (077)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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