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FOREWORD The few facts about Biio:ri vhich are here presented were gathered luring this summer chiefly for the infoorzation and amusement of the writer himsveL In going about it he found many others- who were likewise interested and wkaD ^adly contributed help and informatiioi- Perhaps there are more who are mtersted. The writer certainly hopes such is te case and for that reason is putting it im )rint. The authorities quoted aire accredited and a list of them will be fond herein. What little tradition and leered there is comes from sources which: he writer credits as equally reliable. Miss Vergie E. Fayard, Lihirzian at Biloxi, Mr. W. F. Swan, former- resident of the Biloxi branch of the Misaiisjppi Historical Society, Mr. Ernest DespiDres, Mr. Eugene Tiblier, Sr., and others DfBiloxi, and the librarians and their assiiEUits in the New Orleans Libraries are tie very sincere thanks for the help and curtesy they have extended. L. B.
Biloxi Historical-Sketch---Bremer-(04)