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the people of this Bank.1
XD—merchant and ’* man who helped through extensive ojects and business
■ ' ■	-s ’ ■
.TH—Justice of the eat Five for many for over thirty' iger of the Peoples tnd Loan Associa-
^N—influential hol-5 office of Circuit ery Clerk of Han-y for many years.
*• * nLL, looal attorney atendent of Educa-ncock County; also sounty and city of-any years.
GEORGE R. REA — progressive business and , civic .leader, banker, president of Peoples; Building and Loan Association; Also (National Secretary of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity for
many years.
CHARLES G. MOREAU—newspa-per publisher, for many years the only newspaper in Hancock County. Untiring in bis efforts to assist in the development of this section of the -§tate. • ■ v-r- ■	' , ..
JOSEPH O. * MAUFERAY merchant, banker, insurance' man, public spirited citizen. ;i.
HORATIO S. WESTON—presid ent of his own lumber- company with national and internation-v al connections; president for ' ? many years, of the Hancock County Board of Supervisors; president of the Lamar Life Insurance Company, of Jack-
Interior Vi*w of the J. A. Dillard P*opl«'»
'"‘.v :i,( •*, ' i.K	Nineties
Store Popular
NEUVE — several St and ta*»collector
k County, and later :	_________________r_______________
he Hancock County ^ . son, Hancock Bank,' Bay St.
ft. . n
The People’s Store was one of Louis and responsible for much the most popular retail grocery es-of	the	progress	of	Hancock*tablishmenta at the Bay. The pro-
s County;	also, president	of	the prietor wa3 john A. Dillard. .This
■	-	grocery had a fine trade, which
* included shipments throughout the County and along the L&N Railroad as far as 0iinbar; delivery wagons were also operated for the accommodation of tie local trade; besides the store building was a warehouse in the
staples. ,	,	-	t, •	•	‘
The building was located at the corner of Good Children (now known as Sycamore St) and Third Streets.
, h ; Bay Hotel Corporation,' which , operated th® Hotel Westoo, ' now the Hotel Reed. ;vk_
WALTER'- J. GEX, SR.—attorney and banker known throughout ' the state of Mississippi and the South; one of the organizer* of the Merchants Bank & Trust Company,* ■*.
» GfEORGE E. PITCHER—sales representative and public-minded <itiaeil; ardent booster of our ' ^ co^jm unity, during his extensive travels, as the best place to live.
MRS. ABIGAIL BOURGEOIS—a woman of unbounded energy ' ' and compassion, who devoted her life to the needy wherever - • and whenever occasion arose; she was awarded a Rotary Club silver cup for her untiring efforts in the cause of charity; started the first Caneer Drive here; cooked the meals for the ' first hospital it' her own Idt-chem fed hungry people by chc hundreds during the de--pression days; and performed other deeds of pure good-t ness too numerous to mention here. / v
REV. HENRY LelttJC -e became pastor of Our Lady of the Gulf x. ..r Church on November 17, 1859,
<■ and remained here * until his death (in France, where he had gone on a visit) in 1897. •swt.1 Father LeDuc was ,the instiga-i > tor of many improvements in the parish during his thirty-£ jv,eight years here.
lr/vm i<wu r*r

BSL 1950 To 1969 Eagle-Souvenire-Centennial-Edition-(07)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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