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Alice:	It.	was	too	far	a	walk.
Mamoo: Oh Alice, not. in those days it wasn't.
After breakfast. Do you remember what you usually had for breakfast and what it was like. There was just a butler around who would serve breakfast?
Mamoo:	Well it would always start out with...
Alice:	Always	the butler...He (Albert Baldwin) always rinsed his
mouth out with the finger bowl every morning after breakfast. And I'm quite sure he had false teeth and they were bothering him to death,	but	he had always fruit of some kind.
Mamoo:	He had baked apples, baked apples always with	cream,	heavy
Alice: And then Miss Popo and Miss Meme would bring over some hot cakes, they were orange, orange flower.
Mamoo:	Orange flower batter cakes. They lived on Kellerac Street
which	was	right in back of Grandpapa's house	and	they	loved
Grandpapa.	You see, he'd get up every morning you	know and qo
horseback riding. I told you that.
Well tell me about that again. This is before breakfast?
Mamoo:	Before breakfast.
Alice:	He used to tease us because Miss Popo and Miss Meme used
to bring over these things, hot cakes, and he'd always call her Miss Peepee and Miss Momo. He'd shock us. We'd get shocked to death if he'd mention "Peepee"! How awful!
Mamoo:	We didn't like that at all.
Alice: So we had	a very	good time.
Mamoo: Oh he had	a good	sense	of humor.
Alice:	And then also, he had the funnies, do you remember that?
He'd put it down	on the	floor	and ?	Grandpa	was one	and	they	had
a, there was a tall man	and a	short	man,	do	you remember	that?
Mamoo: In what?
Alice: The comics.
Mamooi Oh I remember it.

Baldwin Conversation-014
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