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His father was Beniamin Noel DeBlieux. Sr. He was an attorney, and according to information on your websidte, was a judge (Deblieux, Judge B., returned Saturday night from a visit to Louisiana. (SCE 01/07/1893). I would like more information about him. Family stories tell of him being disbarred in Mississippi shortly after the civil war because of the way he addressed the court. The above refers to him as "judge." I would also like to know the date and location of his death. Your website shows he is buried in Cedar Rest Cemetary (DeBlieux, Benjamin (Unk. CRC Bk)...where is this? Are there any other members of the DeBlieux buried there? Benjamin's wife, Elizabeth, is also mentioned in your website (Deblieux, Elizabeth, Ref. Parent or Guardian. School Reds. 1894. (Hck. Cty. p.3. F.M.), and I would like to know what this is about. One of Benjamin and Elizabeth's sons, Honore Fabricius DeBlieux is also mentioned (Deblieux, Fabian & Ward, Ella m 1881 (OLG MB 1). Notice his name is incorrectly stated as "Fabian." He married Patience Louella Ward of Hancock County on June 20, 1877. I would like to know her parents names. I have no record of H. F.'s death, and would appreciate anything you might find. Louella remarried .to a man from Hancock County, Elisha Robert Seal. I'm hoping you can confirm that she and H. F. DeBlieux had two children. William F. DeBlieux and Fanny DeBlieux. They are also mentioned on your website (Deblieux, Fannie, Ref. Parent or Guardian. School Reds. 1894. (Hck. Cty. p.3. F.M.) and (Deblieux, William F. Ref. Parent or Guardian. (School Rcds.1894. F.M.) The father of Benjamin Noel DeBlieux, SR., was Honore Fabricius DeBlieux. He was born in France and came to America as a child with his family. He was a judge, and died and is buried in Bay St. Louis. I believe him to have been visiting when a yellow fever epidemic broke out and that he succumed to this disease. His wife is also buried in Bay St. Louis. Her obituary in New Orleans' 'The Daily Picayune", dated 12/1/1882, atxernoon edition, reads," DEBLIEUX-Thursday, November 30, 1882, at 7 1/2 o'clock, P.M., Mrs. Widow H. F. DEBLIEUX. born Pauline Conand. aged 83 1/2 years. The body will be taken to Bay St. Louis for interment, and will leave the residence of Mrs. A.C. Tremoulet, No. 69 Esplanade Street. This Day, Friday, at 2 1/2 o'clock, P.M. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend." I would like to know the name of the cemetary where they are interred. They were both Catholic. I hope I have shared information that is interesting to you and your society, and I look forward to any information you can share with me on the DEBLIEUX family. Please send me a bill for any expenses. Sincerely, Lynda DeBlieux Pfiee MLVW/
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