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?THE SCHEAM OF THE SCr?eN? ;-made turned reshed their tent at Young ny ahso ion and enewed health <son on i work. / health j i to the | nditions j ealth of ! o favor- gue anci ] ame out: eek-end, cir rela-: Gex and n. While I 'ie Coast! to the1 visit. : ighter of| .3, enter-: and Mrs. i C. J. For-' Thomas,' s Grace Mr. B. J. Bernard, .th, II. A. ! I i over the' effect the '? cinity and j usage and; ree of dis- i is the in- i icerncd to ! from Bay | State line.; only rem-i mot come! i :own build-! COIll I Hi i j rd dwelling i o a heighth | ipped to do \ ork and in; successful, ct for car-1 contractor. ! ??I I; is bv ' | ing of Bay The following bills weft examined; found correct and ordered paid, to-wit: OIRClflJ A.&G. Theater WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 18-19. Admission?15c and 35c. City Correcting Drainage. City Commissioners had a force of men working corner Carroll avenue and Second street and at other locations over the city Monday correcting defective drainage,? under the direction of Street Foreman August Taconi. Much and desired work was accomplished, and the commissioners plan other street improvements. Luther Maples On State Boxing Commission I50J Robert D. Morrow, state adjutant1 of the American Legion, was appointed chairman of the newly created State Athletic Commission by Gov-rimi I'lu Diloi c (i. Bilbo. Other members of the commission, which grew out of the bill legalizing box-mi Mississippi, are II. Landry, ALLOWANCES OF CITY COMMISv REGULAR? MOftTHDif'vMEETir SIONERS, BAY ST. LOUIS. f ,V :BOARD SUPERVISORS. * ;?r- ? V vr ?; f Bay St. Louit, Mitt., April 2, 1928. ? . (Continued From Pfige Five) the Board adjourn until Thursc morning:, April 5th, 1928, at 9 o?cl< a.m. , H. S. WESTON,. Presider Thursday morning, April 5th, 19 at 9 o?clock a.m. Board met. pursu adjournment. Present, as on j te/day... Be it ordered by the Board 1 the pension Board of Hancock coi shall- be composed of and consis the following person^-who are he) appointed by this Board. ( Beat No. 1, D. R. Weston; Beat 2, J. J. Stewart; Beat No. 3, Alee ciase; Beat No. 4, Theodore Nic Beat No. 5, T. W. Adams and i Engman, World war veteran. Be it ordered by the Board of pervisors of Hancock county, M sippi, that a three cents per g tax in addition to the tax levied collected by the 'State of Missis be and is hereby levied on all line .naphtha, alcohol, or other or substance ordinarily used fo operation or automobiles or oth< hides and machines operated b; tor power in Hancock founty such collection to be made a time and in the manner provide the collection of such like tax under Chapter 116, Laws of 19 amendments thereto or other providing for the collection ol tax. Such tax being levied a vided by Chapter 319 of the Li 1924 of Mississippi, and amem thereto including house bill N of the Laws of 1928. That said levy take effect in force from and after Mf 1928, which amount derivec said tax shall be deposited in ing fund and used for the reti of the Road Protection bonds i liquidation of the interest s thereon, all as provided by t Chapter 319 of the Laws of .1! amendments thereto including bill No. 374 of the Laws of 1 It is further ordered that t of this Board publish the abo lution for three consecutive ' The Sea Coast Echo, a ne with a general circulation in county, Misisssippi, and that tify a copy of this order to t Auditor. Be it ordered by the Bo the Board adjourn until Frid ing, April 6th, 1928, at 9 o?c H. S. WESTON, Pro Friday morning, April Gth 9 o?clock a.m. Board met pu adjournment. Present as < day. Report of the County A '?...1 ri-:ii! and ordered i City Fund. Chamber of Commerce (advertisement bridge dedication)__________ Chas. Traub, Sr., mayor's ? saitfryt three months__________________________ 075.00 I>\ II. Egloff. Commissioner's sal three months _________________________ S. J. Ladner, Commissioner's salary, three months__________________________G75.00 Albert Jones, City Marshal's salary 100.00 Albert Jonesl expense of auto___________ 15.00 George Schelb, special police__________5.00 Felix Fayard, Janitor?s salary__________ 60.00 August Taconi. street foreman?s sal. 115.00 II. L. Genin, city attorney's salary____75.00 Claude Monti, fire engineer's salary 5.00 T. W. Adams, meat insp., salary_________ Roland Cuevas, pouhd keeper's sal. Calvin Faynrd, cleaning cemetery________ Edward Jones, stenographer's sal________ Alcine Saucier, special police, salary Sea Coast Echo, stationery and ptg. 210.75 E. J. Glerlrig, Election Com., salary 4.00 Daniel J. Ziegler. Election Com., sal. Murk Oliver. Election Com., salary Lovie Mitchell, clerk of election, sal. Clarence Soule, clerk of election, sal. Joseph Lang, peace returning officer Mark Oliver, special police, salary_____ The Sellc Company, merchandise__________ F. II. Egloff. express on merchandise A. 11. LoVeJoy, repairing lawn mower, 1.50 Frank Martin, lunch for commissioners of Election, Dec. and Feb___________ 14.00 Hotter Homes Demonstration, amount agreed for prize _____________________ 25.00 F. II. Egloff. stamps for office________ S. J. Ladner, stamps for office_________ So. Iicll Telephone Co., telephone______ Joseph Onpdepnn. labor _________________ Alfred Arnold, labor ___________________ linger Manieri, labor___________________ Armand Besancon. labor _________________ Ha.v Ice and Bottling Works, cinders Henry Colson, shells____________________ Alcide I.iibat. shells _________________ Emile Cup. shellH ______________________ John Carvln. shells ____________________ Elmer Bourgeois, shells ________________ Thomas Carver, shells __________________ Oscar llill, shells ____________________ Alfred Choina, shells __________________ Hay IMumbing Co., merchandise.. Edward Bros., repair of trucks and graders ______________________________ 15S..30 Hay Mercantile Co.. merchandise_________ 4.50 t'nited Disinfected, merchandise________ 38.07 Harrison's Service Station, gaR and oil for trucks__________________________ 01.10 William D. Hays, driv way_______________ Jl.'.M So. Hell Telephone Co.. telephone.. 2.25 School Fund. 1). J. Everett, pro rata, salary-------- 50.'.'0 Water Works Fund. Albert Monti, waterworks maintained salary ________________^------------- 125.00 Standard Sanitary Mfg.. Co.. mdse? .77 Columbia Iron Works, mdse--------------- 10.41 Sea Coast Echo, stationery and ptg. 15..'15 !?' K. Egloff. erpress on mdse---------- 1.34 So Hell Telephone Co., telephone-------- 3..>0 Emile Adams, labor _.j_----------------- IS.00 Anieriean Express Co., express on electric switch _______i-------------- There being no further business th? Hoard adjourned. CHARLES TRAUB, SR.,. Mayor. F II. EGLOFF, Commissioner of 1?ub. Utilities. S. J. LADNER, Commissioner of Finance. 30.00 35.00 22.00 25.00 75.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 15.00 1.04 1.00 1.00 23.30 84.00 84.00, 84.00 3.00 1.00 1 S. IK) 0.45 3.00 0.00 7.50 3.00 3.75 3.30 3.10
Traub, Capt Charles 014