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S(n!f)lnr /nth <>nihfi'\izi' hm! nf (nnrm' // ti.slii/i^ft >// ( /irrrr, fn o/i zr. uuni/rt/ nf / us~ hr^rr l/isliluh l</\t s/>////?. ////? A//'/ ////v ///- 'lalhd m illr 11 till of l/iitii !?>/ (> i / at I i/ir/t -<////\ la^t fall. ' I bntn A/*/.////' /V//) 1\icl1111()I1(I Bari lie Chronicler of the Times Pasadena, LA, ?'A nice lliing happened to mu' on Mll77),? wril o K ichmond I >.11 I.Ill', I' cl low I .IlK.T-1111 > ol the National Sculpture Suciclv. I lie I diversity el Soullierii Mississippi in I I ,il t lesburg had 1 )< > 11 111 tHiiof mv liroii/.es. ' I In' Negro Looks Ahead" and I In; Awakening of Alrica? for O iheir iiiuseum. They sent, me a round trip airline ticket and reserved a pleasant. room lor me al the 1 lolitlav Inn so 11i<il I could attend the unveiling. "I expected lo enjoy I he trip, but J v\a~ not prepared lor ulial occurred at, I lie ceremonies. 1 ? irsL 1 u as w elcomed I>\ 1 hi? Alro- \mericaii Society anil pre--enled with a liron/e plaipieol appreciation. I lie next speaker n,h the president ol llie I mversitv willi an even larger plaque. I heii the- Mavor ottered me the key I o t I If ( 11 \ . Alter llii' a ii ? pi( ?-< ? i it al I \ i? ol the (io\erinir read a I e 11 (? r welcoming mi' m the I 1,1 me ill l I ie pi -o pie ol I he S| ,i| e. \ (I,i\ or luo lal it I w a' e?i orled lo llav N. Louis where I was horn, and driven a Ion? a -t reel | ha I had just been ii.iiiumI alier me. I he Mavor had "iven me ,1 key lo the I 11 v la~l time I VIMled II,iv SI. Louis. Ml he probably tell a second one would he m i peri 11 ions. \ little 11 ii ire I haii a mouth later, on April J~>. the hroir/.e husl ol "George Washington Carver? hv Marlin?- "as unveileil at Tuskegee Institute in Ala-bamn. In October ol last year the bust joined those- ol' (l(i oilier men and women in the I fall of I-?ame lor Great Americans thus doubling the Mali?s black population lo a total ol two. Dr. Carver was named head ol Tu>-kegee?s school ol agriculture by the 1 n-stitute?s founder and president, Booker T. Washington, also born a slave. A bust of the latter was placcd in the 1 hill of Fame in 1915. ll was sculptured bv Richmond Barthe. ( l/n niiuh l. bust nt Kiillnriii, ( urnn'l Working in i mi | u m t ion with the Studio Mu~euni in I I, I ! ! e | | 1 . \e\\ III k < It V . 1 lie I?,, | \ S| . I ,. i| I 1' 1.1 hrarv will devote 11 - .-nine ,e . I o a I . mi pro lie I |- I \ i ? , X I 1 ! I > I I loll o: Mr. I la rl I ie - work !? he I i .? 11! ; i. I I I e -prill? o I 1117' >. ? ?f / ? /. // It': hlr-.\i:r !>ron:t\ Ihil! A )<
Barthe, Richmond Sculpture-Magazine-1978