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Hay Tern A.D.192?.
that there is now e\ifficient funds iii eaid Road & BriclSe Loan Warrant Funds, to pay 9ftld Loan Warrant, it is therefore ordered t::at warrant in the sum of $2C606.66 iesuo 0ut of the Road ^ ^ridge Loan Warrant fund to. cover eaid Loan Wax-rant and Interest tboreon from November 6th. 192&	? ?
y >? -'Whereas it appears that there is not sufficient funda in. the School Loan Warrant fond to take up outstandning Loan ftarranta. Tt ie therefore ordered that the ?sum of $9^25.27 toe ?in<i hereby transferred from the School Fund to the School Loan Warrant Fund.
?	iniore&s it appears that there la not sufficient funds in the R oad & Bridge Loan TT&rrant Funds to take u? outstanding Loan Warrants, jt is therefore ordered that the eufii of $3 065.9^ toe and is' hereby transferred from the ?sjk General County Fund to the Road & gridge Loan Warrant Fund.
Ordered by the Board that the Board adjourn until Tuesday Morning Hay 6th. lJSJ. at 10 o'clock A. U.	^
~	Preeideint
^tieaday Morning May 6th. 1923, 10 o'clock A.M. Board met pureutant to adjournment present as on yesterday.
.r-'The report of the committee appointed to inspect Texas Flat Road, work being dono by J.E.Perkins, having reported work done satisfactorily as per contract.
It ie ordered that warrant for $2300.00 isbue out of the Road & gridge Fund to said J.E.Perkins, and that his bondsmen be discharged.
The Bill of the Town of Waveland and the City of Bay St.Louis for their respective share of the Advalorem Road Tax for ths year 1922 was received.
*	?T-'-Jiit is therefore ordered that warrant issue out of the Road & gridge Fund, aa follows:- To the Town of Waveland $1557*60. To the City of Bay St.Louis $55^6.2S.
The Bill of the Town of Waveland and the City of Bay St.Louis for their respective share of the Poll Tax for the year 1922 was received.
f -* ~ It Ie therefore ordered that warrant issue out of the School Fund as follows:
To the Town of Waveland S /	?_____; To the City of Bay St.Louis 8
Report of the County Nuroe was received read and ordered filed.
Report County Home Economic)	Agent was read, received and	ordered	filed.
Report of the County Health	Office was received read and	ordered	filed.
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Whereas Sutherlin and Barry	have reported to the Board that they	did not	de3ire to
touy the Si+OO.OOO.OO Bond issue of	the County and whereas they,	at a former meeting	had
unconditionally purchased said bond.
Ee it ordered by the Board that said bands be ordered resold sxtbject tc the oount of Sutherlin and Barry, and they be advised of the fact, and that the attorney thi3 Board be authorized and lstructed to sue said Sutherlin and Barry for what difference the said bonds should sell for.
Whereas it appears that E.S.Drake has made a map for the City of Bay St.Louis,
Rnd for. Hancock County, of property in the City of Bay St.Louis and Rear thereof, and Thereas the same has been approved by the County and by the City of Pay St.Louis, and whereas the City and County have agreed to pay for said maps together.
Be it therefore ordered fcy the Board that the Drake top of the City of Bay St. kouls, an;- lots in the ret-r ci said ** City, and said maps being filed tfay 1st. 192J
iB hexeuy declared to be the of-ioial mac of the City of Bay St.Louis afcd leu

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