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'r d^scriptioj ~)v Louisiana cr ].o;:y FRO!. ALABAMA RIVER TO BILOXI BAY AS TO SETTLE] ENTS, FARMS, SOLDIERS OFFICIALS, GIRLS,_PRISONERS, SAILORS AMD COLONISTS March 5, 1721 "IMMIGRATION AND WAR ? Louisiana: 1718*1721" -?^rom the Memoir of Ctrrles le Gac translated bv Glenn R. Conrad, Univ. of Southwertern Louisiana 1970 pages 6I-63 THE SITUATION IN LOUISIANA, March 1721 At Ala bamons there is a stockade called Fort Toulouse. Stationed there are 60 to 70 soldiers, a captain, three officers, two sergeants and one clerk who pays the soldiers and conducts trade with the Indians and settlers. At Mobile there is a similar fort that h"s been rebuilt. In command is M. de Chateauguay, the king1s lieutenant. There are 200 soldiers, a head clerk, a storekeeper, ann some clerks who distribute food and supplies to the 250 to 300 persons who are there. Some of these people have settled on'the river to grow rice, tobacco and to saw planks for houses. There are not more than ten farms in the vicinity of Mobile, including the one at Miragouen. The majority of the inhabitants are engaged in trade. There are about 80 houses belonging to the Company and to the settlers. There is a mill to saw planks. With regard to animals, there are no more 'than' 100 head of cattle because those belonging to the settlers have been moved onto farms along the river or have been transported inland or have been eaten At Dauphin Island there are only two officers, a sergeant, two corporals and 12 soldiers. There is but a single settler, one named Arnaud, who has a garden, some sandy land cleafed of trees, some Indian and Negro slaves, and some cows. There might be three- or four other families there, but they are awaiting the completion of work at Biloxi before moving. At Pensacola there is only a garrison--no settlers. the Pascagoula River there is Graveline's farm which is the best in the colony for the number of animals. He has about
Alabama Gulf-Coast-19th-Century-Notes-06