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encounters and by the delays during the scirmishes themselves. This valuable time permitted General Jackson's troops to complete their fortifications and for the arrival of additional troops and as such may have been crucial to the Victory at Chalmette.
DR. BRADFORD:	It	is in memory of those brave men that we
throw this wreath into the waters where they sacreficed their lives for their country.
LADY:	throw	wreath.
DR. BRADFORD:	The Hancock County Historical Society has
wanted for a very long time to make this event in our history known to our residents and visitors alike. We began inquiries to the Department of Archives and History as early as 1984. Their splended response, in spite of shrinking funding and various other obstacles, has now resulted in the moment we celebrate. May I introduce Ms. Susan Ensweiler from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History who will present this marker to Mayor Victor Franckiewicz for dedication to the people of Bay St. Louis. Ms. Ensweiler.
MRS. ENSWEILER:	(Whatever	remarks	she	may	wish	to	make)
MAYOR FRANCKIEWICZ:	(Whatever remarks he may wish to make)
DR. BRADFORD:	(Whatever	remarks	he	may	wish	to	make)	....
... and thank you for helping us celebrate this proud moment in our history.	END

Battle of 1814 P4
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Hancock County Historical Society
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