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> *	Ap*X£ 76 - 23, 1977	/f"rf~'
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You are cofuUatty invlXed to attend the $ollowing acXlvitlu dating National Libn&y
Week at City-County Public LibnaAy and WaveZand Public. LibnaAy.
CITY-COmv LIBRARY:	Thursday„	ApAil	14	-	Kite making woAk&hop,
SatuAday,	ApnJJL	16	-	National LibnaAy Week Field	Day.
Sunday,	ApnJJL	17	-	Ant Exhibit 6 Re.ception fion.	an£lt>tt>-4-6 P.M.
Monday,	ApnJUL	18	-	Historical SocleZy Meeting:	Da.	Elbejut
HitliaAd, VirectoA, o& AAchive* 8 HibtoAy, SpeakeA, 7:30 P.M.
Tuesday,	April.	19	-	Lunch with Books. BnMig	a &ack	lunch and
heaA a book Aeview by	John Slocum.
Wzdnz&day,	ApAil	20	-	’!Searching £oa Value*," fiilm& $	discussions
faofi Jr. High School students, 8:30-3:00 P.M.
Thau day,	ApnJJL	21	-	t-lLW StoAtj Hour, Movie., 6	Crafts	j[on. Pn.e.-
schooleAS, 10:30; Children16 Pun Festival: Movie., Puppet Show, Magic Show, 6 Movie.,
3:30 P.M.
Announcement o{ Kite Making winneA; PatAon ofi the Yean. Awa/id; Name the. Bookmobile. Content.
Monday - FAidajy - Crafiti exhibition & VemonstAations-2:00-4:00
P.M. each day.
if) AVE LAND LIBRARY:	ApnJUL	19	-	ApnJJL 23 - Maureen KiZmeA Ant Exhibit.
Wednesday, April 20 - Large .Screen Paoj ectlon oft the. ant tAea&uAeA
o^ King Tut’s tomb.
ThuA&day,	ApnJJL 21	-	NLW Story Houa with Movie, 4:30	P.M.
Friday,	Apnll. 22	-	Quilting demonstration.
SatuAday,	April 23	-	Children'4 Fun Festival: Movie,	Puppet Show,
Magic Show, £ Movie., 3:30 P.M.

Libraries Hancock County First-Annual-Art-Exhibit-1977-(4)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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