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1938 UNITED STATES Of AMERICA RAILROAD RETIREMENT 80AR0 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE MONTHS AND WAGES Murray W Latimer Chairman Lee M Eddy M R Reed TO THE EMPLOYEE HtAMED-BELOW. This certifies the service months «nd wages (not Including any amount In excess of $300 in any one month) reported for you to the Railroad Retirement Board by employers s bjwpto the Railroad Retirement Act and the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. KEEP THIS CERTIFICATE. YOUR RIGHTS TO UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DEPEND ON YOUR TOTAL WAGES IN YOUR BASE YEAR. V M BLA IZE NAME 15 170420 1 8 36 0 0|0 0 FOR BOARD USE ONLY Months Wages 2. EARNED IN 1938 t- L. cAKNtU in ujb snows service months and wage* reported as earned }y you in 1938. YOUR BASE YEAR WAGES FOR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. 70 4 0 5 5 5 41 SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT NUMBER ITEMS 1 AND 3 ARE FOR RAILROAD RETIREMENT PURPOSES ONLY. 1 2 3;6 0 0;0 0 Months Wages 1. TOTAL REPORTEO TO DECEMBER 31, 1937 2 4 7;2 o o;oo Months Wages 3. TOTAL REPOSTED TO DECEMBER 31, 1938 If your total wages earned in 1938 were $150 or more, you are insured under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act against unemployment beginning between July 1, 1939 and June 30, 1940. Unless you are a part-time worker, your daily benefit rate and the total amount of benefits to which you may become entitled are shown on the back of this certificate. KEEP THIS CERTIFICATE. PRESENT IT WITH ANY CLAIM YOU MAKE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE. FAILURE TO PRESENT THIS CERTIFICATE WITH YOUR CLAIM, WILL DELAY YOUR BENEFIT PAYMENTS. Form SA-6-Rev. Chairmai
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