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320 Robert Carver and Some of His Descendants [Oct
(Sarah Hartwell), the first four born at Bridgewater (Brid|*-water Vital Records):
L Hahhah* b, 19 May 1747; m. at Providence 11 Dec. 1768 (?*?* record*), Jtmir Carder. il. Rmooa, b. y Oct 1749; m. at Providence, 26 Apr. 1771 (&?)* WaitAM OaxtOM. iH. Olivo, of BridgtwMr and o{ Potter, R. I., b. 12 M?y 1731; living in 1750; tL probably at Foster; tn. at Bridgewater, 9 J*#-1774 (Bridgewater Vital Records), Mast Pericins, b. there
7	Mar, 1730, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Pratt) Perkin*.
The Urtittd State* Census of 1790 shows that ne wa*	then
living at Fo?t*f. the head of a family of one male over 16 year* of age (hfatuelf), one male under 16, and four female*. Children (no record* of births found) :
1.	Elisabeth,' tn. at Foster, 7 Aug. 1794, Stephen Westcott
(Arnold?s Vital Records of Rhode Island).
2.	Rhoda, m. at Foster, 30 Nov. 1795, Pardon Potter of
Windsor, Conn.
3.	John G, (perhaps *on of Oliver*), of Providence, b. about
1785; d. at Providence in December 1828, aged 43 ye*rt (Arnold, op. cit., vol. 12. p. 451); m. (1) at Providence,
16	Nov. 1806 (ib.. vol. 17, p. 171), Amey Clarke, b. abort 1785, d. at Providence 8 Mar. 1813, in her 29th year (it* vol. 18, p. 328), daughter of David Clarke of Hopkintoo, R. I.; m. (2) 10 Jan. 1826 (ib., vol. 17 p. 171) Susaa Brown of Providence. No record of children.
iv.	Bmctce, b. 8 Dec. 1753.
v.	Sarah, m. at Scituate, R. I., 7 Mar. 1781 (vital records),	Tim-
othy Hopkins.
vi.	Joseph (perhaps son of No. 32), living at Scituate, R. I., in 1790,
with a wife and with one son under 16 (United States Census); d. at Richfield, N. Y., 8 June 1815 (Arnold, op. cit., vol. *1. p. 35).
33.	Brnjamin* Carver (Joseph * Dea. Eleaser,'* John,* Robert1), of Bridgewater and of Castleton, Vt., horn at Bridgewater 28 Feb. 1728/9 (Bridgewater Vital Records), died at Castleton
1	Mar. 1804, aged 75 years (town records), and is buried in the cemetery of the Congregational Church there. He married
Elizabeth --------------, who died 31 Dec. 1822, aged 84 years
(ib.), and is buried in the same cemetery.
He settled at Castleton in 1776 and kept a tavern there for many years. (Cf. Vermont Historical Gazetteer, vol. 3, page 508.) In his will, proved at Fair Haven, Vt., 29 Mar. 1804, and recorded there, he mentioned the children named below, in the order given below.
Children (places and dates of birth uncertain) :
L Ralph,* living at Castleton in 1790, the head of a family consisting of one male over 16 (himself), one male under 16, and two female* (United State* Census), il Ma*tin.
iii.	Benjamin, of Castleton. b. about 1774; d. at Castleton 26 July 1849, aged 75 year* (Castleton town records) ; m. ClarinM
Children (ib.):
1.	Letmder, d. 3 May 1822, aged 17 years, 3 months.
2.	George C., d. 16 Nov. 1812, aged 1 year, 6 months, 4 day*. Perhaps others.
1934] Robert Carver and Some of His Descendants 321 iv. Elison.
?. Elizabeth, m. ----------- Rica,
vi. Olive, m. --------- Triphon [?1.
viL Theodotia, m. 14 Nov. 1813 Olive* Green (Castleton town record*).
Lieut. Samuel* Carver (Samuel,* David,* John,* Robert1), of Bolton, Conn., bom at Canterbury, Conn., and baptized there 25 June 1732 (Congregational dhurch records), died at Bolton 8 Sept. 1817, in his 86th year (epitaph). He married at Bolton, 15 May 1755 (Bolton Vital Records), Rachel Loomis, bom there 17 Dec. 1731 (ib.), died there 16 Dec. 1791, in her 60th year (epitaph), daughter of Matthew and Rachel (Wryte) Loomis of Bolton.
In the Revolution he was a second lieutenant in Colonel Ward?s regiment, which served with Washington for one year from 14 May 1776 at Fort Lee and White Plains, N. Y., and was in the Battles of Princeton and Trenton (Connecticut Men in the Revolution, page 109).
Children bom at Bolton (Bolton Vital Records) :
i.	Samuel,' of Bolton, b. 3 Mar. 1756; bapt. at Bolton 3 July 1757
(church records); m. (1) at Bolton, 14 Aug. 1777 (?&?), Ba*-sheba Griswold; m. (2) at Norwich, Conn., 7 June 179/ (Bailey?s Early Connecticut Marriages, vol. 4, p. 85), Lucy Tracy.
Samuel Carver and his wife Baraheba were admitted to the Bolton church 5 May 1783, and his tecond wife, Lucy, was admitted to the church there 6 Aug. 1797.
Children by first wife, b. at Bolton (chtirch records) :
1.	Gardner, b. 30 May 1778; bapt. 20 Sept 1778.
2.	Elisabeth, bapt. 18 June 1780.
3.	Wealthy, bapt. 22 Sept 1782.
4.	Anna, bapt. 3 July 1785.
5.	Orinda. bapt. 3 Feb. 1788.
6.	Samvel, bapt. 4 July 1790.
7.	Harriet, bapt. 11 Aug. 1793.
ii.	Rachel, b.	22 Jan. 1758.
iiL	Submit, b.	17 Dec. 1759;	bapt and d.	29 Dec.	1759.
iv.	Submit, b.	21 Jan. 1761.
-v.	Jerusha,	b. 23 Mar. 1762.
vi.	Olive, b.	13 June 1764; m. Capt. Gutoon Muwsnx,	a Revolutionary	*oldier, b. at Windsor,	Conn.,	28 Oct 1760.	They *et-
tled at	Bristol, Vt, in 1789.	Eight	children. (Cf. Vermont
Historical Gazetteer, vol. 1, p. 21.7 viL Lucina, bapt. 15 May 1768; m. in February 1803, as his second wife, Appleton Hollister, whose first wife was her first cousin, Sarah Carver (No. 35, ii), daughter of John and Sarah (Tal-cott) Carver of Bolton.
viii.	Anna, bapt 10 June 1770; d. 13 July	1770.
ix.	Sylvester,	bapt. 12 Apr.	1772; m. 30	May	1797	Lovisa Potto
of Lebanon, Conn.
^5. John* Carver (Samuel,4 David* John,* Robert*), of Bolton, Conn., bom at Canterbury, Conn., and baptized there 9 June 1734 (Congregational Church records), died at Bolton 30 Oct. 1821, aged 88 years (Bolton Vital Records). He married at Bolton, 25 Aug. 1763 (ib.), Sarah Talcott, bom

Carver, John Carver-015
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