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16 c. MentorA Dillon d. Union Dillon, m- fanny Mack Pittman e. Janie Howell T. Briton H. Rowell g. Dill MAgeo, non of Zachariah and Lir.r. ie Mngeo, m- Hiss Thomss. Ha(1 no chlldron. Pin Magee shot and killed Den Duncnn and was later killed by a Dune An. h. Genova Hngeo, d-Aug. 17, 1955. age 02 yrs, 2 mo. 15 dAys, bur. LAwronce Creek, married four times (1) Waiter Smith, had 1 eh. (2) Llge Jenkins (3) Jl" Knnnlck, And (h) Iddo Thomas. 1. Zndle Smith, m- Hr. McGehee, and liad several children, i. Cora MAgee, dau. of ZAchariah, m- John Wes Phillips, had 1 ch: 1. Rosetta Phillips Host of the information on tho preceding pages 16 to 25 inclusive was supplied by Mrs. Lottie MAgee Millor, Tylertown, Mississippi. H. HARRIET H. MAGEE,dnu. of Terry Oinn and BenjAmln MAgee, b-ca 1029, shown in the 1650 census for Washington Parish, La. as age 21, m- ca 1051 to ThomAS Warner IHckham, l>-Doc. 19, 1027, d-June 15, 1090, oon of Thomas and Mary Curry Dickham. Harriet died oa-1052 and Thomas m* ca 1053* Christine Lowis, and had seven or more children. 5. BENJAMIN HAGEE, Jr. non of Terry and Benjamin Hagoe, b-Dec. 27, 1033. died of assassination. m? Cynthia Angio McDonald, sister to Irvin McDonald, Tylertown. a. Tom Magee, unmarriod b. lien MAgee, Richmond, Georgia c. Naoma MAgee *- (l) Dr. Honry Orady, killed at Stallings Bridge, no ch. m> (2) Arthur Dillon, had 2 chi 1. Carmer Dillon m- Joe DeLancy, a bAnker in New OrleAns 2. Selma Dillon, m- Bob Fraeler, a sugar refiner in New Orleans d. Terry Leona MAgee, b>Aug. 19, 1070, d~Sept, 0, 1910. m- Jan. 1, 1090, George Martin Duncan, b-Mar. * , 1870, d-April 25, 19^1? had 7 ch* 1. Joe Reid Duncan, b-9/23/l896,m' Ruth Blount 1 Den MAgee Duncan, b-JuJy 17. 1099, m- Nancy Selma Lockhart Jewel Angle Duncan, b?12/l}/l900, ?- Henry Aurlanne 4. Claudia Naomi Duncan, b?10/l3/l901, m- Tommy Mullin 5? Grade Evle Duncan, b*June 8, 190^, m- jAmes Thompson Smily, Frost, La, 6. Oeorge Thoirvis Duncan, b-10/0/l908, ra- Florence Hall 7. Seymour Rognrs Duncan, b*9/3/l910, m- Ecara Torrybone c. Evie Hagee, m ? Frod Willard, New Orleans, 3 ch: Ralph, Ray, & Fred Willard. 6. JOHN MAGCE, non of Tnrry and Benjamin Mngoo, b-April 13, 1035* d- 1N95. ?- Jane Andrews, and had 4 chi a. Ellis MAgee, b 1073. killed by a colored man In 1896. Unmarried. b. Deulah Magoe, Billy Dickham, had 6 ch: 1. John Dickham, m~ Ruby Durkhalter, pa go 70 Luter-Davis Book, 3 ch: a. Donna Pearl Bickham m- _______ Crow. b. John Larry BlckhAm m- Marcia Miller o. Sara niokhAm 1. Olivia Bickham 3- Thelma Bickham, a teacher at Pine, La, 4. Herbert Blckhnm 5. Clara BlckhAm, m- Fred Thomas, Franklin, La. 6 Hilly Hickham c. John Magee served a prison sentence for manslaughter, moved to Delhi, La. m? Miss Chattel, had two sons: J. W. MAgee. and Chapel MAgee. d. U-wilt Mageo, b 1H04, d 1904 unmarried. ) ?7 7. ELIZA 5J&/W'; b-Aug. 5. 1837, dau. of Terry and Benjamin Magee, m- Deo. 30, 1057. Joseph Regan. Elisa and Joseph are reported to have liad 3 children and several grandchildren, but Information is conflicting as regards the names and dates, and they are omitted. It is hoped that some reader will furnish the author authentio data on this family. 0. MARY M. J. MA0EE, b-Aprll 19, 1039, dau. of Terry and Benjamin Magee, m-Tom Cook, who lost a leg while serving with C.S.A. Thoy liad no children but adopted a child. 9. TSRKY MELISSA MAGEE, b-April 26, 1042, buried near Chatawa, m- (l) Bullock, (2) John Forsythe Slade. a. Ida 0. SlAde, m- John E. Jones, 7 sons and 1 dau: , 1. Leon W, Jones, Hattiesburg, Miss, n- Ollle Bueh, had children: Winston, Cowart, Edna, Eva Nell, Earl, Charles, Oarlin. 2. Cqrtus Jones, Baton Rouge, La. m- Nannie Dullook, had 4 daus: Mildred, Geneva, Helen, Carrie Jones. 3. Harry Jones, Ottyka, Miss, m- Etta Williams, ch: Gladys, J. D., and Clifton Jones. 4. Ous Jones, Georgetown, Tex. m- Mattie Smith. 5. Oble Jones, Jacksonville, Fla, 6. Jesse Jones, Hattiesburg, m- Emma. 2 dausi Oladys, A Martha Nell. 7. Joe Jones, Charleston, S.C. m- Edna, had son Thad Jones. 0. Carrie Jones, b-10/l5/lH93. d-4/4/l953, m- Herman Stanton Rush, 5 ch: a. Vera Mao /tysh, m- Webb Holmos, dau: Carrie Lou b. Fonton L. Rush, New Orleans, m- Bertha Creel: ch: Chas.ftish, Edward. c. Natalie Rush, m- Wllmon Brock d. David Rush, Bogalusa, m- Nellie Dunaway, had dau: Judith Rush e. Jesso Rush, Tylertown, m- Nelda Boyd, ch: Bruce it Connie Rush. b. Jesso B. Slade, lives Angie, La. married and several children: 1. Ida Slade m- Roscoe Davis, has a step-son Chester Davis 2. John Forsyth Slrule, m- Bosoie Bentt a. Josso Edward Sl;ide m- Cora Smith, 4 ch: Jessie Merle, Patricia Jean, Johnnlo, and Betty Slade 3. Dossie Slade m-? Harry Winters, ?? 4. Roscoe SlAde m- Essie _____ . 5. Oscar Slade n- Mary Patton 6. Elmer Slade 7. Allio 3Jnde m- Earl Ford a. J. F. Ford m- Jcanolto __ 10, HUEY GINH MAGEE, b-July 2, 1045* d-Aug, 10, 1901, son of Terry and Benjamin Magee. A physlclAn, killed by his son-in-law Jim King. M-Feb. 0, 1065* Mary E. Virginia King, b-6/l/l030, d-0/3l/l915* dau. of Thomas I. and Lucy Bickhaa King. See Vfll. 3, Bo It Known, p. 125. Huey and his wife ah* buried in the family cemetery on the old home place. Four ch: a. Una V. b-Jan. 17* 1866, d-6/10/1947, m- Jerome Ryals, b-6/23/l660, d-9/20/1913. * ch: 1. Estus Ryals b~Doc,9* 1000, m- (l) Geneva Hopgood, had 3 ch. separated m- (2) Julia Meredith, had 3 ch. (Genova Hopg'?od RyAls m- (2) Sammle or Claude Foil and aftor his death she m- (3)Edgar CllPton Alford, p. 56 a. Daisy Ryals m- Taul B.Klf?g 1. Virginia King m- Donald May, Houston, Tox. 2. Paulino King m~ Rlcltard Baughman 3. Geneva King H. DAi'barA Ann King
Ginn The-Ginns-and-their-kin-14