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they bite like mosquitos. they got into the quince cheese ate the whole of it up. I have to set every thing in a little safe and put the legs in tar and water. And as to the spiders there are any quantity of them but I would not have them killed for any thing they are great hands to catch mosquitos and flyes they are company for me. I sit some times and watch them, they wont hurt any thing they are innocent little things, they some times get astraddle of mymouth but never hurt me. I have to chastise him to make him know his propper place. I will not say any thing about the place. I wish you would come with Pa and judge for yourslf and see whether you would like it as a home or not. And as to my-self you may be perfectly contented. I am doing as well as I could any whear in the world with out you and Pa of course it would be much pleasenter for me to be with you all, but I am as happy as I could wish. I dont think Pa could have done better never mind where he bought. I firmly belive a person can make a fortune here.
I have not received the box yet.	I	will send	a few lines to
Mr Wilder by to morrow's mail as soon	as	I receive	it I will
write and let you know. And every one that put any thing has my sincere thanks. tell sis the paper is very acceptable it is the very thing that I have been wishing for. You know in case I should want to pen a few lines to one	of	the fair sex in Tenn	I
would have nothing but this big paper	which is not	writable.	the
pen you speak of must be [wondeful]. I am very anxious to receive it. As I wish to write to brother to night and as it is now very late I will close. Give my best love to all and bushels of Kisses to sissy, and recieve the same from your ever affectionate son

Jackson Letters 015
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