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r.., Capt. Robert Eager?* Company.' t
ryeare. ara ou a
Muster Eollf |j?Capt.Robt;rt Eager?aCo.(Sliield?l>orough Rifle*), Scanty of'Hancock, 8tate of Mississippi, culled iSla^^c service yf the State ?>f-Mississippi. ^Mustered June 29, 1861.. Kpil
.4?............, 1X6 /.
, 186 .
J7/......... .^1X6 /.
--------- guoeessirelj designated u Captain
lompohy,.Captain Toulme?* Company, (0!d) Company S^IC-ompanr F, 3d Regiment Mississippi Infauiry.
ShSflt on roll ghowa i ^^-M-qgterana JTily Cth. Iftoi,
-awmw ?OtWGQ?'W*r Department, >s r&Aurifftnal record borrowed from tbejfttaoiov ?f-^titory. JnflJcson. ACiWs?^flrWSOrO."
1 (Sbieldoboro Rifles), Mws. Vnls.*
Company Muster Roll f
||.of the organization" namgd above, called into tlie^ service of the State of Mississippi,
r~Rv whom.
IgBtered Into service |
|When.........-O^TL............... , 180 /.
jPfi^oonpaoy wu jsugc?S*i**ly designated m Captain (^1141111 jTtTjptnin Tpulme?s Company, (Old) Compaay ^k*)r65fifpAoy F, M Rs^Lment-Mwmssfppi Infantry.
'*I'A* VW' yiBKBe'In t?e M. JS. Office. War Depuciment, la? an original reQQcd-&oarow?<^-fronrCfie Dtrecuir ?, --------	?-gOoo, iflM.?W. d. 938010.

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Hancock County Historical Society
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