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Additional Traffic Regulations Necessary Since Completion of Bridges.
Prominent Men Included in CoastfList?Dave M. Weston Represents Hancock.
SUNDAY TRAFFIC BRINGS PEAK LOAD Bay St. Louis Falls in Line With New Traffic Ordinance For May 1st.
Additional traffic regulations have been proposed by the Gulfport Chamber of Commerce as a measure of safety to provide for the heavy automobile travel expected this spring and summer as a result of the: completion of the bridges between the Gulf Coast to New Orleans, to the westward, and the Coast and Mobile, to the eastward.'
Sunday motor traffic for the last few weeks	has demonstrated to	city
and county	officials	that	the volume
of summer holiday and Sunday traffic will exceed all previous estimates, and may require a doubling of highway area along the Harrison county beach front.
Bay St. Louis city commissioners are equal to the occasion and already have adopted an ordinance regulating traffic,	the like	of	which	has
never been	created for the	city.
There are many streets designated as ?Right of Way? thoroughfares for motorists and the matter has been winked mil wit! 1 h thought n I detail. Mayor Traub and Commissioners Egloff and Ladner have given the matter much attention.
This ordinance will be issued in book form and ready for delivery in time for May 1st, date of effect.
Forty Different Kinds of Steel Used in New Ford
A number of leading laymen and ministers] from the Seashore District are included in the organization which will direct the effort to raise $050,000 for Millsaps college.
Bay St. Louis is included in the Seashore District.
The organization work is proceeding steadily. Edward C. Brewer, of Clarksdale, is chairman of Zone No.
2,	which includes the Greenwood, Greenville, Grenada and Sardis Districts. Tfie Jone No. 3 chairman is Clayton Hand, of Gulfport. The zone includes the Brookhaven, Hattiesburg and Seashore Districts.
Daniei W. Bufkin, of Jackson, is chairman of Zone No. 4, and this has charge,pf the work in the Meridian, N'ewtopi Jackson and Vicksburg Districts. Announcement of the appointments was made by Barney E. Eaton, of Gulfport, general chairman of the campaign.
The Alumni officers include to date: C. L. Neill, Jackson, general chairman; Arthur Rogers, New Albany, Zone No. 1 ; Frank Tatum, Hattiesburg, Zone No. 3, and Thomas L. Bailey, Meridian, speaker of the House, Zone No. ?.
Included in the organization from the Seashore District are:	Barney
E iff on, Gulfport; Will Colmer, Pascagoula; W. E. Lampton, Columbia; Dave M. Weston, Logtown; Rev. J. L. Sells, Gulfport; W. M. Sullivan, Biloxi; Rev. V. G. Clifford, Gulfport; 1?ev. M. L. Bt" *"n, Gulfport.
The new Ford is
?The Circus? Is His Latest Success?Pronounced Best of All Features.
Directors and nesday Noon ber Is ) MEETING T UNUSU A Few Ech< From Gath Mauffra
Rotarians W'e ular set progrs served its usuall and with a liber spirit plus wit other of the ma The occasion tary songs, a r national Rotary Mrs. IL U. Ca and Mrs. Winf nate, Miss Elsa plished young Jos. O. Mauffri Many numbt sung, and Rot promised to fa with a solo, ?E classics in Rot de Armas move But ?Regie?s? insinuation, ta sist on a solo, the features future.
Since Presi< ed the place o er, Vice, Pres officiated, doi py style and of the vocal l ous voice was all others?tl-song.
Dr. ?Alvab upon for an madien speec Rotes. His ;
We Go From address was

Traub, Capt Charles 015
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