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suem tf/J It is a privilege to grov old; Becuuce in dr.. y u cb?.-ii -Id, The cheri-r-hs.... droans of ?yesto-.* y-_:r, Tlu.t t'3 your heart ai?e ever ior.r. i?ko ' ti..:s, -lio porjouj- .. n=. ciie pic ce . T gr-'-viug ye, r . c .m t oret::e. / I i-Ix.,.11 VcCv 11 till:: rpeci- 1 drearfl.' The y that I event oor;. 7 I cl .e ::sy o-ye.'J -nd I c u T'ii;.- river !io .o, o0. dear t<s If y::;-u cwulc: roo it, I 4m -SMre, y 1 too, ItoiUcJ 1 ve i: L-:/y\(>a 5eeoui? ' 7r ... 5t-v_-ncwcu t ? seventy ar*-ffvflAi/ y?0t& you vi li qgree ^0.-t r-.: t i.i . .re f.r / u 0 . .v^I1 ; bcuck join .in : e/ It --.i: ;u.-t anrf -.zn \u&s hi jii /ild tie i-iVer b-.-at her 00 r:. e ply. 1/0 pa; v.-J by Jo -,uit lieiic* 'Ch~ Gr ver Clevel, ncl c . age. hea led i\:r *tne old bwtv{.re.. In fr.nt of yreci -us ?Ikn \.c./ur;l. Then c....;o -:-iO order fr Captain _? f,Co..:e ji: i.ien? lov^r t..^ p^ank/' Thea lie cv...e over ,. ??;: t .;k . :v J^kI >j :iliag led ft\e t.s a:e o..U pXaxforr.:. y friondc ?/ere waiting, q/adf I could see, Tiu.t t.iey hapcy a:: t ;*.y c.^uld be. ' e so.n re: choc t:i.. entrance of 'len Tec vjcy ~nd v. icing t greet /v>o uX it-j friendly door, dear --.unt Lize anc. Undo JoeGalatoa end cousin Flo. 'i?he givlis were t .ere < ve talked and planned,, For all the p: rtieu t:>> t wro 01 x hand; Thin vent f.r int.) t..:e nigat F?c vo y/gre y*ung */nd our h.c rtu ?.. re li^ht. T..lion suddenly uomcono :;aid; ?'lt;j getting lete, better get into bed/ Co ve pil d into bed, c.nd in seconds it ncc.-s, i'i:c happy girl a vo .-e too o-deep in dreans. I c juld ?v/rito on for ever nore / 0? t:ie .enderful day ? ; pv.nt et .ion Secour. .:argueritc Backman ?13 Uarrlnon Court 7c> b ;d iier tiv
Larroux 148