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Did he have n miHtredis?
Mamoo:	A	uiBtrpHs?	H?	ha.
Alice:	Here's	where	we	split.
Mamoo:	Yah.
Mamoo:	He had lots and lots and lots of friends. Don't think he
didn't. He was a very well liked, loveable man.
Alice:	I feel sure he had a mistress. And his mistress was Mrs.
Helen Pitkin Shirts.
Mrs. Helen who?
Alice: Mrs. Helen Pitkin Shirts, but I don't think you should put that in your article.
I won't, but tell me about it anyway.
Alice:	She	was tall and beautiful and golden haired and she was
the sister of the man who worked for Grandpapa in A. Baldwin & Co. and I am sure as anything that he had a child by her whose son was Albert Pitkin Shirts.
Mamoo:	That's Alice's OPINION, you see. Now I disagree there
Alice:	That's my theory.
Were you the one that told about the glove behind the curtain?
Alice:	I may have because I noticed we always drove Esplanade to
Claiborne Avenue and as we turned into Claiborne Avenue there were these bowed windows with the blinds bowed like that and you'd see a lilly white hand saying hello. Oh, I'm sure of it. And Grandpapa would toss a little bouquet there. Aphra1
Mamoo:	Alright now listen. Let me tell you one thing. I have
right here, and I can bring it out right away, Mrs. Helen Pitkin Shirts brother was Waldo Pitkin. I went to see Waldo Pitkin is still living, right now, today.
Alice: The old man isn't. Mamoo: The old man IS. Alice:	Is	he really?

Baldwin Conversation-016
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