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322	Robert Garvtr and Some of His Descendants
thfcrft 11 Mat, 1?40 (tb.), daughter of Benjamin and Debont (Gillet) Takott of Bolton.
Children, bom at Bolton (ib.):	v>'?
?.	Jo**,4 M Bolton, b. 13 Sept 1764; m. 19 Feb. 1789 (ib.) Ewngl
CAtfflrktL'of Batt Hartford, Conn., who was admitted to Bolttd drairtti 19 Apr. 1795 (church records).
Children, b. it Bolton (Bolton Vital Records):	' J-.t.
L Jok*?lk 7 Sept 1789. S. Harvey, b. 24 Mar VMl&f
2.	Omtty, b. \7 Aug. 1791.	9	Mar.	1826	Chloe B??*
3.	Austin, b. 19 Aug. 1793.	6.	b.	24	May 1799. J
4.	Chester, b. 29 May 179S.	7. .toffon, h. 22 Sept 1801.
?	**...	8- Sophia, b. 11 Nov. 1803.
II	Sma, b. 3 Mat 1767; d. 8 Sept 1802; m. 4 Oct 1787 Aptlet?*	^
HolLWTE*, who m. (2) in February 1803 Lucina Carver (N*	(V
34, vli), daughter of Lieut Samuel and Rachel (Loomis) Carm of Bolton and first cousin of his first wife.	>
iiL Phihtha?, of Bolton, b. 22 June 1775; bapt. at Bolton 20 Aa> 1775: m, 14 June 1812 (Boltort Vital Records) Phese W?**
?f Harwich, Mass.
>. Children, b. at Bolton (ib.):
L Alfred Godfrey,' b. 5 May 1813.
2.	Sidney Weeks, b. 20 Jan. 1815.
3.	Sally Ann, b. 7 Apr. 1817.	,.
4.	Cyrus W., of Harwich, Mass., b. 7 Aug. 1819; d. at Harjn?
26 Mar. 1848 (The Mayflower Descendant, vol. 13, f-238); m. probably the Charlotte S., who, as Charlottes. ^ Carver, d. at Harwich 28 Apr. 1853, aged 31 years (*, vol. 12, p. 256). Their child, Charlotte S' Carver, d. * Harwich 16 Mar. 1848, aged 1 year, 3 months, hr. Chotch, b. 10 Dec. 1776.	t
r.	William, of Bolton, b. 28 Apr. 1781; d. at Bolton 28 Oct 18J*
aged 57 years (gravestone inscription, in the Register, vol. ... p. 158): m. at Bolton, 21 Mar. 1816 (Bolton Vital Records). Mill a Wells, b. at Bolton 28 July 1794, daughter of Elea?r -and Esther (Baker) Wells of Bolton.	-.i'
Children, b. at Bolton (ib.) :	_	?t
1.	William Wells,' b. 17 Mar. 1817; d. 15 Aug. 1854 (?*?**	-
2.	Henry Talcott, b. 5 Aug. 1819.
3.	Eli Baker, b. 12 May 1823; m. Josephine ----------------. -	- ?.
daughter, Josephine C.' Carver, d. 20 Sept 1858, aged ? months, 14 days (gravestone).	...
4.	Blithia Cornelia, b. 26 May 1827; m. 4 June 1851 Natha*
S.	Maine (Bolton Vital Records), vl	Akita, b. 26 Mar. 1783.
36.	Nathaniel' Carver (David,* David,1 John,* Robert1), of Canterbury, Conn., and Pawlet, Vt., baptized at CanterbutT ? 24 Sept. 1752 (church records), died at Pawlet 14- Apr. 1805, aged 52 years (town records). He married at Pawlet, 2 1/85 (ib.), Lydia Edgerton, born at Norwich, Conn., 26 ? Aug. 1762 (Norwich Vital Records), died at Pawlet 30 Apr. T842, aged 80 years (town records), daughter of Capt. Simeon ? and Abiah (Hough) Edgerton of Norwich.
He is said to have served in the Revolution and to hate settled in Pawlet in 1780. (Cf. Pawlet for One Hundred Years, by Hiel Hollister, page 173.)
L < fr.
?$?i Robert Carver and Some of His Descendants	323
Children, bom at Pawlet (town records) :
John,' of Pawlet, b. 15 Jan. 1786; d. at Pawlet in 1864, aged 78 years (Hollister?s Histonr of Pawlet): m. (1) Anna Beebe, who d. at Pawlet in April 1823, aged 34 years; m. (2) 14 Sept 1823 (town records) Martha Giftord, who d. in 1861, aged 76 years.
Children by first wife, b. at Pawlet (ib.) :
1.	Mary,' b.	3 Nov. 1814; m.	John	Scott
2.	Lydia, d.	in 1865.
3.	Nathaniel, d. in December 1820, aged 8 months.
Betsey, b. 18 May 1788; m. 16 Feb. 1809 Safford Haskell. Chester, b. 12	Sept. 1790; <L 26	Mar.	1791.
Lucy, b. 15 Mar. 1792; m. 27 Sept 1812 Silas Gregory.
David, of Pawlet, b. 5 Jan. 1796: living in 1867; m. 10 Nor. 1822
(ib.) Betsey Tobey, who d. in 1866, aged 69 years, daughter of Josiah Tobey.
He was selectman of Pawlet in 1844. (Cf. Hollister?s History of Pawlet.)
Children, b. at Pawlet (town record*):
1.	Charles Nathaniel,' b. 28 Oct 1823; m. 16 Feb. 1847 Catherine A. Wilcox, daughter of Artemas Wilcox.
2.	James Ahira, b. 6 Nov. 1825; d. in 1860; m. 6 Aug. 1848 Jane Clark.
3.	Helen Augusta, b. 17 Mar. 1828; m. 18 Jan. 1849 James M. Shaw.
4.	Maria Theresa, b. 1 Dec. 1839.
Chester L., of Pawlet, b. 24 May 1798; d. in the asylum for the
insane at Brattleboro, Vt, 20 Oct 1863; m. (1) Lucy M. Harlow, b. 9 Jan. 1808 (Pawlet town records), d. 10 Oct 1847 (ib.), daughter of Ransom Harlow; m. (2) in 1849 Emeline George (Hollister?s History of Pawlet).
Children by first wife, b. at Pawlet (ib.) :
1.	Joseph H.'	d. in	1859, aged 26	years.
2.	Ransom H., d. in	1861, ai^ed 27	years.
3.	Nancy M.,	a teacher, living in	1867.
4.	Egbert H.,	living	at Otsego, N.	Y., in 1867.
Lydia, b. in 1800; d. in 1857; m. 30 Nov. 1825 Silas Gregory. Olive (perhaps daughter of No. 36), m. 10 Sept. 1820 James
Leach, Jr.
37.	Capt. Caleb? Carver (Caleb,* John* William* John,* Robert1), of Marshfield and of the British Provinces, master mariner, was bom at Marshfield 26 Apr. 1734 (Marshfield vital records).	He married, 25 Mar. 1756, Abigail Damon,
daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail (Thomas) Damon of Marshfield. Ebenezer Damon of Marshfield, in his will, dated 15 May 1779 and proved 25 Apr. 1780, mentioned his daughter Abigail, wife of Caleb Carver, Jr.
Caleb" Carver was captain of a schooner which carried supplies to the British in the Revolution, and, with his son Melzar, who had embarked at Boston with the British forces for Halifax, N. S., in 1776, he was proscribed and banished in 1778 (Sabine?s Loyalists, vol. 2, p. 493).
Children, bom at Marshfield (Marshfield vital records):
L Melzar,? of Marshfield and of Norwalk, Conn., b. 15 Nov. 1756; living 23 Feb. 1807, when he sold his interest in a building on Mill Rrook, Norwalk, used as a slaughterhouse (Norwalk land

Carver, John Carver-016
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