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?9. Family Reunion. V.~~ ? ,? ? ?*r30vI *?v 31** Racei'officials.. ? l (57 Bro. Xavior.1 a ClaBB. , -?... ?*??: - ?.- J,V3t, 68 Bro. Stephen. * The Sfcart. ? ?si*'* ?? 32-.;'Ba/;\St.I du i s , Kace , ?v J5Z.M&T St *.', Louis, The finish Breeland. - *\ 1 ' 33V*Bay?'St'. 'louis , The Finish, Farrell. V'35.,, 3Jaman, #2; : <36..Family Group #3. 69 Mayxior Baby._ 70 Abandoned House; ?71 The jOld Hone . * v*''*'** n VvV ? <?? ? v-? V'. 37. At the Bat. 38V' Dining Boom. 39. Gallery Scene #2, 40. Buster. ifel i's unanp or uanana Trees, c'f' ?shrine St. Joseph's Academy A3 Sharp is a Ra^or. 32 ?.Tooonen Banquet. 33 Rega ta Bay St. r'Ui3. 84 Kardi Gras, Indian Scene 35 co Street Scene w * V wO ? Donkeys. ?7 'JTood n Pecade, Au^ mobiles. Wooune^. 39 Santa Fe, Elver, 90 SI Aritz Hotel. 91 Church at Lany N.M. 9ft.Santa Fe Struct Scence. 53 Santa Fe .* 94 Santa Fe Donkeys. 95 Santa FeeAdobe House. 96 * Mud Houses. 9$ *? h ggj^ Miguel Church S8 " " Abandoned Ilouse. .72 Pirst Ten Juniors S.S.C* ?i ? ^ 73 Hancock Co. Court House #2* 74 Mardi Gras,Indian Scene v i 75 Woodnen Ban<lue,fc* 76 " ? " <-\*- , 7? ?Base Ball'. wjir- y.i-? ? ,3? ?j.' V k 1 ? ? V _ ________________? 113 Captain s.S. Rydacrr 119 S.S. Costrian, Forward Deck 120 Pont de Grenelle, Pari 3. 121 Le Haneau,Pa?i3. 122 S.S. Ce.?trian, Deck Scene 123 Captain S.S. Cestrian 124 Versailles , Le JJalais 125 w , Grandes Eaux 126 View*of Havre ^ t * 127 Captain of S.3. Cestrian 128 View of Semaphore,Havre. ? 129 Versailles, The Pa?k. 130 I any Inn Uoulincuux , *? 131, C ? ? P 132 "efsallies Grande a Eaux 133 ^.S. C. Track Team 134 S.S.C. Track Meet irv s.s.c. ? * ' n n \ 0 u ^ -Wv C u. , j - T"w Jh*(-a a /i 0 1 ' 1* s.s.c. 0 cJUia ^
Ellmer, Beth 016